Friday, August 29, 2014

John the Baptist and How Black Men Look Good Bald

So, three mornings this week, I drove Joshua to Little Rock to Therapeutic Recreation. To help with his nerves on the drive, I have tried to get him talking...anything to distract him and keep him calm.

This particular morning, for some reason, he got on the subject of his hair. Of course, he had styled it himself and the front part was sticking straight up. Straight.UP.

(I post pictures of him regularly on my Facebook wall: Marty Logan Garland, on my Instagram: martythemoose, and on twitter: moosethemarty).

He said, "well, I get my hair from PawPaw Skip (my Dad), and I hope I keep it for a long time."

I told him that men go bald at different ages, and that it's okay. He wasn't having it. He said, "I like my hair. I want to keep my hair."

He said, "Look at Aaron (the son-in-law), he's pretty much the only member of his family with hair. His Dad? Little hair. One brother? Little hair. Other brother? Bald. PURE SKIN UP THERE."

Then he went off (again) on how Black men look good bald. He listed them on his fingers, "there's Michael Jordan, George Foreman, Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu...all Black men, all look good bald. White men, NO."

At some point in  our conversation, he started talking about when he was in high school. Even tho he and Holly are over 2 years apart in age, they were just one grade apart in school, because we ran Joshua through Kindergarten twice. Joshua said, "I never really thought about it, but I was a trailblazer for Holly...I set the pace. I did something, and then Holly did it the very next year."

I said, "You were like John-the Baptist...preparing the way."

He said, "yeah...pretty much."

"I will sing continually about the Lord’s faithful deeds; to future generations I will proclaim your faithfulness." Psalm 89:1

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