Monday, August 25, 2014

"The Calendar Makes Haste..." Macy Goes to College!

We had a really nice weekend. We went out to eat as a family on Friday night...Jim, Joshua and I, Clark and Faith, Holly and Aaron.

On Saturday, we "hanged around" (Joshua's words) the house most of the day. Jim had started this whole group text between the kids and so that was a lot of fun. I broke off of the group conversation to talk with Logan...he is typically not a fan of group texts, but at least he was participating in this one. He said that he missed us and I told him the same thing I've told him once a week for the past 4 years..."you are welcome here anytime; we will come there anytime; and, we will meet you half-way anytime." About an hour later, he texted to say that he and Morgan would "consider it a treat" if we could all meet for dinner at the half-way point.

You just have to know Logan. He does not use words like "consider it a treat." At all. Ever.

I can't help but wonder if he and Morgan have been watching "Parent Trap" with Lindsey Lohan! That, or too much pro-soccer. He likes to think he's British.

Anyway, we loaded up my vehicle with Jim, Joshua and I, Holly, Aaron and Clark...and headed north. And east. To the land of my married baby boy and his wife.

Morgan's sister, brother, and her mom, were all able to meet there as well. We had a great dinner, and it was so fun to see them. I wish we did that every week, but that would require them having no life apart from me and our family. And while I see absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever, everyone else disagrees.


This afternoon, I met my sister, Leanne, and her daughter, Bryant, Arkansas. Leanne is taking Macy up to her first year of college in BOSTON, and I just wanted to see them for a few minutes. Okay, so maybe I feel a little bit bad talking about how much I miss Logan and Morgan when they are just 2 1/2 hours away.

Macy is going to Boston College, which is a 27 hour drive from where they live in Texas. She is so smart and talented...always auditioning for something. Now, she will get to pursue her passion for theater with even more guidance. We are so proud of her, and so excited for her new opportunity!

Even tho I've taken two of ours to never gets easier. And it's not easy to watch others do it, either. I got all teary reading Facebook and twitter posts about it last week and this morning...people taking their kids to college, or little ones just starting to school.  I still remember taking Holly, and then, Logan...and that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach when we left them there. I was so proud of them, and so thankful they were having this opportunity. I wouldn't have taken it away from them for anything...but I just knew that nothing would ever be the same. And it wasn't. And it isn't.

And it's okay.

This morning, I read a tweet from Beth Moore. It's her granddaughter's first day of Kindergarten. Part of her tweet said, "The calendar makes haste, but the consolation is sweet. They grow into your best friends."

Go ahead and bawl. I did.

"You indeed have made my days short in length, and my life span is nothing from Your perspective..." Psalm 39:5

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