Sunday, August 24, 2014

The One Where Jesus Used The Force

I am happy to report that today is Sunday, and all is well.

If you count as "well" the fact that in my haste to get ready and get to church on time, I accidentally sprayed SUNSCREEN in my hair instead of HAIR SPRAY.

That was fun. Except not.

Joshua made it to his Sunday School class (Jim walked in with him), and it was on time and in the right building this week. He was a happy camper.

And then he sat in church like a boss, and did not cough or hack like he did last week.

Thank you, Jesus.

Speaking of Jesus...

This past week was the first week of school. Joshua has been all out-of-sorts for the past couple of weeks, but I heard him moving stuff around upstairs, and so I went to investigate. He was organizing: going through all of our DVD's and putting them in a certain order that makes sense to him.

In the process, he found several "old" VHS tapes and started watching them. He has a DVD/VHS player in his room. Tapes like, the Donut Repair Club. Anyone else's kids ever watch that? "Life without Jesus is like a donut 'cuz there's a hole in the middle of your heart." He also found some "Wee Sing" tapes. 

But the one I've heard him play over and over is an Easter Passion Play from Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis. A friend of mine gave it to me over 10 years ago...I think her husband was in the choir. Joshua has had that tape on replay all week, bellowing out singing some of the songs during his "praise and worship" time.

I asked him to tell me about the tape. He said, "some people brought a demon-possessed man to Jesus." 
On the tape, Jesus put His hands up and pushed the air toward the man, and the man jumped backwards, like Jesus had just pushed the demons out of him.

Joshua laughed and said, "use the force, Jesus...use the force."

Go back to your home, and tell all that God has done for you.” Luke 8:39

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