Monday, August 18, 2014

The Last First Day of School (Clark)

Today is the first day of school in our town. I have LOVED seeing all of the posts and pictures on social media. Makes me miss those days so much!


But today is our youngest child's first LAST day of school...he's a Senior this year. And honestly, I am frustrated with the whole thing...with him. Over the course of the last couple of months, I have offered to take him "back-to-school" shopping. He's been all, like, "I'm good."


Because I talked to his girlfriend about it and she said, "oh...I keep a list on my phone of things he wants, like for Christmas and birthdays and stuff. I listen when he comments on things, and then I write it down."

Well, aren't YOU smart, missy?

I do that, too, but then when it comes to the going-and-the-getting of said items, he doesn't seem too interested.

I kinda took it personally this weekend...when, after we had planned on going shopping, just the two of us, after a picnic our family had to attend...he said, "you know? I think I'm good with just going home."

I put my sunglasses on and bit my lip the whole way home, because I just wanted to cry. I took it as he didn't want to go...WITH ME. Because I knew there were things he wanted. Hello? I've seen "the list."

I just never had this problem with any of the other 3 kids. Joshua loves to shop...for clothes, shoes, groceries. You name it, he loves it. Holly? If I had said, "If there's anything you need..." she would be in the car before I finished the sentence. And I love it. Some of my favorite times are shopping with her...we just like to look at everything. And Logan? Well, he is a nightmare to shop with, not gonna lie. But it's just because it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r for him to make a decision and he won't talk and we go back and forth and then go back to the first thing he saw three hours ago...but at least he WILL go if I offer to take him.

I wanted to tell Clark he was taking all of the fun out of his Senior year...for ME...but I didn't.

Expectations...they can be a real buzz killer, can't they? (sigh)

So, last night, he opened up the "school-supply" cabinet that I keep here at home. I've got pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, folders...stuff like that that I pick up periodically. He chose a few items and put them out on the table. He went upstairs and dumped out the stuff that was STILL IN HIS BACKPACK FROM MAY...and put the new stuff in...changed out the batteries in his calculator that haven't been changed out in about 6 years...and announced that he was good-to-go.

Before he went up to bed, tho, he gave me a hug and said, "so, are you going to make chocolate chip pancakes in the morning, like usual?" And I said, "of course!"

It was the first time that thought had crossed my mind. Do I usually do that? Did I do that last year?

And then he said, "oh, don't have to pack my lunch tomorrow, because Faith is bringing lunch up to me at school."

Oh, okay. Nevermind the "love-napkin" I was going to put in there, along with the special treats I bought for your lunch on your Last First Day of school. Ugh.

And, side note: I love his girlfriend and I am very thankful for her. She keeps me in the loop as much as she can. I would really miss a lot without her.

This morning, after the pancakes, he made his iced-coffee and walked out to his car. I went out with him, trying to get a Last First Day picture. He was not cooperating. I got a picture of him from the back, walking to his car.


When I finally got him to turn around for a picture, he wouldn't smile. Seriously?

And then he grinned at me real big as he backed out of the driveway. The little weasel.

I'm sure he thought he was soooooo funny.

"I'll get you, my pretty...and your little dog, too."


This is how photographers get us, moms of boys. They patiently wait us out. They know that the last few years of school will be like fighting to record these precious memories for all time, and our boys fighting NOT to be captured on any device operated by their parents.

And this is why we pay them, the photographers, the big bucks...because we know that for one part of one day in the summer, or early in their senior year...our sons will reluctantly agree to pose in clothes of their own choosing, with the understanding that this.must.never.happen.again.

I'm there, people.

"Love the LORD your God with all your soul, with all your heart, and with all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5


  1. Of all the things I have learned from you and your blog (and b-t-dubs, it is a long list!) this "expectations" thing is the biggest hit. Thinking back now, I can kinda sorta (see? I told you I am an editor!) see a few areas where my expectations were the problem, not the other person's actions. Plus, in a misery loves company way, I now feel better about my only picture of Mark's first day of school this year (he is a junior) being a single shot of him smirking at me with our messy garage in the background. In all seriousness, I'm going to give this "expectations" business a whirl and see where it takes me!

    1. Just because I write about it, doesn't mean I'm an expert. This is still such a HUGE struggle for me. Thank you so much for commenting and for your encouraging words. They mean so much to me! ;)
