Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Monday: Catching Up

So, I will continue my Spring Break updates tomorrow. Probably. I have them all ready to go in my Drafts folder, but I don't want to forget what is going on right now.

Mondays are hard, can I get an "Amen?"

And Mondays after a Spring Break at the beach, are REALLY hard.

I can hear everyone giving me a collective, "WAAAAAH...we are so sorry for you!"

I know. You're right. But we not only had our trip...when we got home, we had one day here to do the things that you need to do after you've been gone (along with taking Joshua to see the Cinderella movie!)...and then we had to hit the ground running with Joshua's birthday celebrations. We spent most of Saturday at my in-law's house, and Sunday was busy with church, after-church activities...and meeting up with Logan and Morgan.

I think I forgot to mention that our church had an organized evangelical thing after church. We had groups canvasing different neighborhoods...going door-to-door like we used to do in the olden days...and leaving door-knockers with information about our church. Jim asked me to just bring Joshua on home after church, because he had signed up to go with the men of our Sunday School (small group) class.

I was so proud of everyone for doing this. You never know what reaction you're going to get when you knock on someone's door. A few years ago, when we lived in another town, we went with a group from our church to an apartment complex. We went door-to-door to invite the residents to bring their kids to our back-yard Bible club. At one of the doors we knocked on, a lady came to the door WITHOUT WEARING ANY PANTS.

Seriously? Who does this?

Jim couldn't get out of there fast enough. He said that he kept telling himself, "don't look down...don't look down!"

Anyway, about the time Jim got home on Sunday afternoon, I had to leave for a bonus choir rehearsal. And when I came home from that an hour later, Jim, Joshua and I jumped in the car to meet up with Logan and Morgan in Little Rock. They were on their way home from the beach, and Morgan's mom was bringing them to meet up with us. We picked them up and came back here. They packed up their things and loaded their car. We decided to have a quick dinner, and then they left for home. THEIR home. (sniff) I missed them after about 1.3948593760 seconds.

This is all riveting, I know. I just don't want to forget anything...for my memory.

So...back to Monday being slow. It was. I fixed breakfast for Joshua. and got Jim and Clark off to work and school...and then I crawled back into my bed with my lap-top and tried to catch up on a little blog reading. And do you know what you should not do when you only have 1 contact? Blog reading.

And do you know what ELSE you should not do when you only have 1 contact? COMMENT on blogs. Because I commented on one girl's blog, and then I realized that I had misspelled something. I couldn't figure out how to edit or delete it, so I wrote ANOTHER comment...and I TYPED THE WORD WRONG AGAIN and posted it before I could change it.

I gave up.

Holly called to say she was on her way home from her nursing school class, so I asked her if she wanted to eat lunch with us. Jim had plans, so Joshua and I went to pick up Holly...and we went to eat at Chick-Fil-A. We also all 3 shared one of their new lemon ice-creamy things and it was really good.

When I took Holly back to her house, Joshua stayed with her...and I made a quick trip to Kroger by myself. Of course, I had to go on an on about how hard it was to shop without him, because I didn't want him to feel bad for not going with me. I just really needed a minute to myself. Anyone else feel that way?

I picked up Joshua, and we came home and unloaded everything. I fixed dinner and we had a good night. I made cupcakes for Joshua to bring to Therapeutic Recreation on celebrate his birthday with his FRIENDS.

And Jim finally got an update on his Dad. Jim's Dad has been having some chest pain/discomfort. He has been to the ER and to his doctor over the past week or so. On Monday morning, he had an angiogram. Fortunately, they didn't really find anything. Well, it did show some blockage in one area, but not enough to put in a stint. Jim's dad was happy about that, but mainly, he was frustrated...because of the aforementioned pain/discomfort.

Jim decided he was going to go down and check on his Dad on Tuesday. We are thankful for a good report, and pray that whatever is going on will show up on the tests...and that it can be treated.

"Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God..." Psalm 50:14

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