Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My In-Laws: Politics, Church and the Government

When you pull up to my in-law's house (we call it the Lakehouse, because it's on a lake...but they live there full-time), everything looks fairly normal. There's nothing too strange about the outside of it unless you happen to notice the giant Easter eggs sitting on the side of the hill...and you remember that it's OCTOBER.

Yeah. They stay out there on the hill year-round.

Happy Easter!

At the Lakehouse, everyone uses the carport door. The first thing you'll notice when you walk in is all.the.stuff. I mean, nearly every inch of space has something on it. Think: HOARDERS. Not even kidding.

There is a table that is full of family photographs. The first thing MY family does is to take all of OUR pictures and place them in front of all of the other family member's pictures.

And maybe even put the other family member's pictures face down.


Everything is a competition in Jim's family.

The other first thing you'll notice is the inflatable dolphin that hangs from the ceiling in the living room. Not even kidding. It's like a pool toy, but it's been hanging there for as long as I can remember.

The other thing I noticed this time was the sign that said, "BEWARE OF WIFE." My father-in-law put it there, I'm sure. I can just see him thinking that was sooooo funny.

My mother-in-law loves to drink coffee and talk, so on Saturday...after breakfast...some of us sat at the table and listened to her talk. She wants to know about everything and everyone...but mainly she wants to tell YOU about everything and everyone. Her favorite topics to talk about are politicians (don't get her started), politics (avoid this topic), taxes, why bad things happen to good people...and what she thinks everyone should be doing.

As you can's the perfect storm.

My in-laws are pretty staunch supporters of one political party (and by supporter, I mean that they don't talk bad about them...not that they would EVER give them any money. NO ONE IS GETTING ANY OF THEIR MONEY. Like, EVER)...and we are more the other way. Which leads for some very stressful and awkward conversations lively debate among the family. I try to avoid these controversial subjects at all cost.

Well, there was that one time when Jim and I had had enough, and we made a list of things my mother-in-law blames George W. Bush for, just to show her how ridiculous she was being...and she went NUTS over it and I laughed until I cried.

Jim, on the other hand, and his youngest brother, Jeffy, continually try to stir the pot, and the end result is that they end up feeling pretty good about themselves, my mother-in-law ends up feeling all huffy, Joshua ends up feeling MAD AT EVERYONE FOR BRINGING IT UP IN THE FIRST PLACE, and the rest of us are just stressed out.

So, after a long discussion about certain politicians and what all is wrong with the government and how they are taking all of our money and how this world is spinning out of control and nothing has been the same since Oprah and All My Children went off the air...she told me that there is a big disturbance in her denomination.

And it may just be in Arkansas...or it may just be that this is what she is picking up from what she's being told.

She said that the convention for her denomination is trying to take the name of Jesus out of everything. She said her pastor said they are trying to switch everything in their message and publications from God and God and Lord. The preacher at their little church was FIRED UP about it. He said that the name of Jesus is in the Bible and you just can't take it out. You just can't. I said that JESUS is pretty much the entire REASON for the Bible.

She's not one to get riled up about "church matters," but she was pretty hot about this. I told her that sometimes it's things like this that will ignite a spark that leads to revival...because we rock on and rock on and then something will happen to snap us to attention and we think, "that's not right!"

She said, "'s just like the federal government..." and off she went.

"Therefore, God elevated Him to the highest place of honor and gave Him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2: 9-11

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