Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekend Update 10.13.14 It's Columbus Day!

Well, I got nuthin'.

But I made a resolution way back on January 1st that I would try to write SOMETHING every day.

And, it's Columbus Day, but Clark had school and Jim had work and the recycling truck came even tho we didn't set our stuff out because HOLIDAY.

I'm PRETTY SURE Columbus would be disappointed with how our town celebrated his special day.

We had a nice was pretty quiet, actually. I wasn't feeling great, so we stayed pretty close to home. Faith's Mom sent me flowers for some random reason...and they were beautiful. Clark and Faith brought me balloons when they found out I wasn't feeling well. So sweet.

We kept Holly and Aaron's dog for them on Friday night, and part of the day on Saturday. They got home in time for the Arkansas ballgame, and I wrote all about that here.

On Sunday, we had SS and church. I posted on Facebook that if you've ever tried to iron something but make it look like you DIDN'T iron're probably a boy mom.

Seriously? What is it with them?

My boys *all* know how to iron and they can iron their own clothes...but  I do offer to iron their clothes. Especially if they bring them to me the night before. Joshua always does that. *And, for the record, Joshua doesn't iron his clothes. Joshua brings me his "Sunday clothes" every Saturday night, without fail, and I am happy to iron them for him.

Logan and Clark never wanted me to iron their clothes so that they LOOKED ironed.

Which, really is the point of ironing.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Clark wants me to iron his shirts and jeans and khakis with NO creases. And they can't look too smooth.


I've tried to tell them that it reflects poorly on them when they look like they've just rolled out of bed...they don't see it. But really, as much as we want to think that we've evolved from the June Cleaver image of a reflects on US when our kids look bad.

"That poor boy's mother must not even own an iron...because just look at his shirt!"

At this point, I realize that this post is so silly, because my kids and their generation...they do not care about this stuff like we do. And they probably don't judge each other like we do.

Logan is married now, and to Morgan I say, "good luck with that."

And, "the dryer is not an iron."

And, "I tried."

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

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