Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Shingles and "Liking" Pictures

This has been one of those weeks that I wish we could bottle up and save for later. Seriously...the last two days have been gorgeous, Fall days. LOVE.IT.

This morning, on the way into Little Rock, I learned a little nugget that would've been really nice to have known...say...a couple of weeks ago. Joshua informed me that one of the FRIENDS has Shingles.


I'm already worried about Ebola floating around out there.

I thought that SURELY he was mistaken. I said, "you mean she HAD Shingles?" Joshua said, "Yes, she HAD Shingles."




I said that I would be asking Mrs. Alanna about it, and I did...bc Shingle-Girl has been there all week...and she was there this morning...waiting at the door. Mrs. Alanna said that SG's parents told her that SG wasn't contagious. I was, like, I'VE SEEN THE COMMERCIALS ON is highly contagious!

Well, we looked it up and sure 'nuff...Google said that after her rash had "crusted over," she would no longer be contagious. Not gonna lie...I kind of blacked out at the word, "crusted" but it sounds like maybe she's not contagious now...but maybe she was earlier in the month when none of us knew about it.

I'm already starting to itch.

And then I wanted to burn the Therapeutic Recreation center to the ground to completely get rid of the Shingles virus. Which, is really a bad thing to even THINK about because the TR Center actually DID burn to the ground a few years ago...and it took 2 years to rebuild.

The other little convo Joshua and I had on our commute was when Joshua said, "well, Jenni texted me but I didn't text her back." And then I felt him staring a hole into me...begging me to respond.


(We've had this conversation before)

So I said, "Joshua, why didn't you respond?" And he said, "I thought she might be busy getting ready or eating or something."

Me: "If you got her text, the nice thing to do is to respond. You don't know her schedule. You don't know if she's busy. You don't know if she's getting ready or eating or brushing her teeth. Just send her a text and then let HER decide when she wants to respond."

Joshua: "Imnottalkingaboutthatrightnow."

While we are talking, he is staring at his phone screen. He goes, "OH! I've already got one "like" on my post!"

The FRIENDS keep track of the "likes" they each get on their Facebook posts and pictures, and if you don't think it's a competition with these sweet, loving ones...then you're new here.

I said, "what post is that?" And he said, "the post I wrote on Jenni's wall."

I asked him what he wrote and he said he told her to have a good day at work. I told him that was very sweet, because I noticed he did not "like" the picture of the two of them that I posted yesterday on Facebook and IG. I knew he did it on purpose.

He not-liked it on purpose.

Do you see what I'm dealing with?

He said, "do you WANT me to "like" it?"
Me: "No...not now."
Him: "I'm going to "like" it."
Me: "No, don't "like" it.
Him, "I'm going to "like" it now."
Me: "You better not."
Him: "I'm going to."
Me: "Don't do it."
Him: "I'm going to do it."
Me: "You better not."
Him: "Well, I just did it and there's nothing you can do about it now."


Think I might need to meditate.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

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