Tuesday, November 18, 2014

For The Love of Flannel

I love this time of year. I start trying to get everything all cozy in our home. I typically do not put up any Christmas decorations until the day after Thanksgiving, or maybe Thanksgiving evening, but I'm getting mine out early this year. Just cuz I wanna.

And, I'm happy to report that there are flannel Christmas sheets on all of the beds in our home. And I sent a set to Holly and Aaron. And I sent a set to Morgan and Logan.

I love flannel so much. I can hardly wait for the weather to get cold so that I can get out my fun flannel pajammies. In fact, I'm wearing a set right now. Earlier in the evening, I asked Clark if he thought it was too early for me to put on my pajammies. It was 6:31 p.m.

I managed to wait until 8 p.m., but it was hard.

So, if you're keeping up: I am wearing flannel pajammies...and then I'm gonna crawl into my bed and sleep on flannel sheets.


I'm so excited!

Anybody remember the Seinfeld episode where George wanted to wrap himself in velvet?

I totally get that. Except flannel.

Joshua had a good day at Therapeutic Recreation. The group of FRIENDS is gearing up for their annual Thanksgiving potluck on Thursday. They have signed up for the dish they want to prepare, and have made the decorations. Tomorrow afternoon, they will get out the tables and start to arrange the room.

Joshua signed up to bring "Brownie Delight." It's made in a trifle dish...brownies, pudding, Cool Whip, etc. He's made it the past few years. The FRIENDS always request that he make it because they all love it so much.

This event is a cooking class. They don't want the FRIENDS to bring prepared dishes. Part of the fun is that they each get to prepare the dish they've chosen to make, and they help each other. I will make the brownies ahead of time and send them, because of the time factor and everyone needing the oven. He will have to put the whole thing together.

They are so excited.

I'll sign off with a funny Joshua story:

Years ago, I went to Tuesday Morning with my mother-in-law. It's not a place I would think she would shop...I had never gone with her there before. So I followed along with her, the whole time wondering why we are there, and what in the world she could possibly be looking for.

All of a sudden, I stopped dead in my tracks. Right in front of me was a display of vases. They were all different, but they were all painted to look like women. Blonde hair, brown hair, black hair. The one that was right in front of me looked JUST like my Mom. I'm not even kidding. She had red hair, like my Mom...and had a flower in her hair. My Mom used to wear those little hair combs, that had flowers on them, in her hair...back in the day. The flowers looks like a yellow roses...my Mom loved yellow roses. The vase-lady also had green eyes and lonnnnng eye-lashes, just like my Mom. And she had painted nails. I'll try to post a picture of it on Instagram (martythemoose).

Well, I grabbed it up and told my mother-in-law, "I HAVE to get this, because LOOK." She got big tears in her eyes and put the vase in our buggy...and it has been in my kitchen in our last couple of houses.

So, the other day, Joshua and I went to Chick-Fil-A, and brought the food home to eat. Joshua didn't eat all of his fries. I assumed he would save them for our dog, Maggie, like we usually do. Instead, he told me, "I gave the fries to Nammaw." I turned to look at him, and he was smiling.

It's rare that Joshua makes a joke. We think he is hilarious most of the time, but it's completely unintentional on his part. This was him TRYING to be funny. When he acts like this, we call him "playful Fred."

He had leaned the box of left-over fries up against the vase. He said, "I know, I know. Nammaw can't really eat fries." 

I thought he was going to say, "because she's dead."

Instead, he said, "She can't really eat them...because she's a VASE."

And then he looked at me, trying to see if it was okay for him to say that.

And I laughed.

We both did.

"These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children..." Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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