Thursday, November 6, 2014

Choir, Community...And Arter-itis

Last night, Holly and I had choir practice, and I love it. I'm no great singer, for sure, but I love seeing everyone and I love singing.

In our house, we sing all the time. Not well...we just sing. Just tonight, we were all singing our own versions of "Be Thou My Vision." In my house growing up, my Mom was always singing. Her love of music...along with her sense of humor...are two of the gifts she passed down to us.

You're welcome for that last one!

I started thinking about why I joined choir. In the beginning, it was because Holly was interested, and she was kind of uncomfortable to go by herself...since we were new to the church and all. But I got an unexpected blessing out of it...because in choir, I found community.

We both have, I think.

Because our church, it might be a lot like yours, if you think about it. It's very, VERY good about making people feel welcome...


And not so good about making connections the rest of the time.

Or, that's been our experience.

And, you know, it can be a long, lonely time between Sundays.

Holly and I love our little alto section. We are all weird and quirky...but we are trying to make connections with find out things about each other and ASK the questions and LISTEN to the answers...and be able to maybe read between the lines when words aren't said.

It's been cool.

Except for the fact that this one lady...who talks to us every.single.week. She took attendance yesterday because the regular minister's assistant wasn't there. I could see her out of the corner of my eye. I knew she was going to come over to us, but I tried not to make eye-contact. Sure 'nuff, she walked over and stood right in front of us and said, "I know I ask you this every week, but what are y'all's names?"


So I said, "I'm Beyonce and she's J-Lo."

And she said, "Awww...COME ON. Don't do this to me. Tell me your names!"

And I said, in the nicest way possible (ha), "I'm not telling you our names...I tell you every week." 

So she stood there right in front of Holly and tapped her pen on her clip-board. I looked down at my music and kept singing. Finally, Holly-the-weasel caved and told her our names. Then, she made a HUGE production out of it and said our names over and over about a million times...EVERY time she walked past us.

Holly keeps telling me, "MOM...we are new here...people don't understand your humor."


Next week, I'm wearing a name-tag with that lady's name on it.

Today, Joshua's Therapeutic Recreation group had fitness. You'll be glad to know that no antics went on like last week.

They came back to the Center and ate lunch. I packed Joshua some left-over Chicken'n'Dumplin's from the other night. Or, as Joshua calls left-overs: "re-runs." And I packed him a Powerade, which he said he "chugged" because he was thirsty. I told him that he could not have been THAT thirsty, and that it's never good to "chug" anything. He said, "well, I chugged it, but not in a fast way."

After lunch, they went outside and played games. When I got there, they were out at the basketball pad. I sat in the parking lot and watched them for a while. He said one of the FRIENDS didn't participate in the games because she has "arter-itis" in her knee.

Arter-itis...that's gotta hurt, am I right?

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe." Proverbs 18:10

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