Monday, November 17, 2014

On Rules and Ministry and the Words We Say

I've been thinking a lot about church and ministry and true Christianity. And the rules we make up for ourselves and others. Mainly the rules we make up for others. Not that I've arrived, by any means...but just how sometimes we get so far off from what it used to be. Or what it should be.

Because we look for a church where we feel comfortable...that meets all of the needs of our family...that has a nice building and lots of programs and offers a lot. FOR US.

We've had a couple of  incidences that prompted these thoughts, and justsoyaknow...I'm thinking out-loud as I type and process my place in it all...and I am pointing at the woman in MY mirror.

And so I'm having a hard time weighing all of that: our wants, desires, comforts and creating a little church kingdom for ourselves and our friends...with things like "pray without ceasing," and "if your brother takes your shirt, give him your coat, also," and Christians feeling compelled by the Spirit of God to leave their families and the comforts of this life to go to very difficult and dangerous locations, in order to search out and bond with people very different from them...for the love of that ONE who might be changed by Christ...all while living under the threat of persecution or imprisonment... or death.

How does all of that even fit together?

And why, in our churches and in our small groups and in our ministries do we say things like:

that's my seat
* this class is traditionally taught by a church member/choir member/deacon/elder/fill-in-the-blank
* we've always done it this way
* that's my job
* I'm the greeter/secretary/speaker
* I usually organize that
* we can't do it that way
* we like to keep our groups small
* I like my class and don't want to change
* we don't wear pants/shorts/jeans here

Because Jesus says things like:

*Come to Me (Matthew 11:28)
*Go above and beyond (Matthew 5:40-42)
*Do unto others (Luke 6:31)
*Think of others before yourself (Philippians 2:3)
*Love your enemies (Luke 6:35)
*Go into all the world (Mark 16:15)
*God does not show favoritism (Romans 2:11, James 2:2-3)
*Those who seem to be the least important are really the most necessary (1 Corinthians 12:22)

Who do we think we are?

There's definitely a place for conduct and dress and organization and purity of speech...but there's also a place for GRACE.

And I think that we need to temper anything we feel like we need to say about a person...with GRACE. Because what if what we say wounds them deeply? What if it keeps them from coming back to church? What if it keeps them from finding God?

Reminds me of those bracelets we all wore years ago...WWJD, What Would Jesus Do? Still a good reminder...for me.

"Above all, maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8

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