Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekend: The Hogs, The Kids & The Blood Moon

We have had the best weekend! I mean, if you take out the Razorback game and how we nearly had the thing won...and then just threw it away. UGH. Being a Razorback fan is like going into heart failure every single week...because it's been a LONG time since we've ever had a season where we could just relax and enjoy the season.

But I'm gonna do what Joshua does, whenever we try to talk to him about something he doesn't want to talk about. He will hold up his pointer-finger and say: "Imnottalkingaboutthatrightnow," and then he completely changes the subject.

Like I said last night, we got a call around 9 p.m. from Logan, saying that he and Morgan were coming in for the weekend. Morgan's little brother plays on a traveling baseball team, and he was playing in our town this weekend. It makes me so happy when he plays here, because then L/M get to see HER family...and then they get to see OUR family. Happy, Happy Mommy.

So yesterday, they had breakfast and hung out here for a bit...and then Morgan's mom came to get her and they left. Logan said he would meet up with them at the 2nd game. Holly and Aaron-the-son-in-law came over, and we all had a great time visiting and hanging out.

We planned our evening around the game-which-shall-not-be-mentioned. Logan and Morgan love David's Burgers, so we thought if we went at 5 o'clock, we could eat and be back home by kick-off at 6. We pulled up and saw that EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD had had the exact same idea. But we got in, and even tho we didn't all get to sit together, we had fun!

At half-time, we also tried out our new Andy's Custard place, and it was yummy, too!

This morning, Logan and Morgan went to watch her brother play again because he was pitching. The rest of us went to church, and it was a great service. We grabbed lunch and came home...and L/M came back after the game to pack up and head home. My least favorite part of any day is when the kids leave. Holly and Aaron came back, too. They had to be here for the ceremonial wave.

Whenever anyone leaves our home, we alllll walk them out...and then we alllll wave until we can't see their car anymore. The Ceremonial Wave.

And now, we are winding down the day.

Jim and I were sitting outside, looking for the dang blood moon, when we heard a car door...and then heard the latch on our gate. We couldn't really see who it was, because it was so dark. But then our furry grand-dog, Marley, ran up to us. Holly and Aaron had come to walk around our neighborhood, and we didn't even know it! And then they sat outside with us. We all took turns looking at the sky, and through the telescope. We did see bits and pieces of a fuzzy, hazy moon AT TIMES, but mostly, it looked like what it looks like when you close your eyes: BLACK.

And, also, Joshua is convinced that tonight is the end of the world, because BLOOD MOON.

Annnnnnnd, my husband informed me that he has pulled yet another tick off of him.

"When I observe Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You set in place, what is man that You remember him, the son of man that You look after him?" Psalm 8:3-4

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