Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For The Humorous

Thankfully, it seems like things are back on a more even keel with Joshua. Our trips to Therapeutic Recreation (TR) in Little Rock 3 mornings a week are no longer filled with anxious moments and nervous stomachs.

And he feels fine, too!

(see what I did there!)


Just thought I'd share some of our conversations we have on our drives because Joshua can be so stinkin' funny. This should come as no surprise to the ones who regularly read this blog. After all, in the last couple of weeks, he compared himself to John the Baptist and basically re-wrote one of the beatitudes. There was also that time when he said that there should be another commandment...the 11th one: "Thou shall not be ugly."

And the time he said he wanted to fight the devil.

He has his serious moments, too, when he talks about the Holy Spirit. And that time he said he was looking forward to Heaven because of two reasons, "no Down's...and no moles." (sniff)

Of course, he has informed all of us that he is not ready to go to Heaven just yet. He first wants to get married and maybe have children...but for sure the marriage part. And he wants Jesus to return on his 50th birthday.

Please and thank you.

Yesterday, on the way to Little Rock for TR, the song, "I Can Only Imagine" came on the radio. Joshua sang along with it at the top of his lungs. When it was over, he said, "I had a dream about this song last night." I was skeptical. When he was little, and one of the other kids would tell about their dream, Joshua would pipe up with an even better, bigger or more bizarre dream...just to try and out-do his brothers and sister.

This time, I believe him. He said that he "added 5 more minutes to that song," and he and the youth minister from one of our former churches "jammed on a huuuuuuuge stage for 10 minutes." He said, "Logan was there, too. He was on the drums. Holly played the piano and Clark played the electric guitar.

And Aaron, our son-in-law (Joshua calls him his "add-on" brother)...he played the...wait for it...FLUTE."

Not that there's anything wrong with playing the flute, but when Joshua writes his stories, he makes himself a big, strong wolf. His brothers are always big, strong lions. He makes all of the men figures in our family to be big, strong animals, and then when it comes to Aaron...he says, "I made Aaron a fawn."

And by "fawn," he means like half-man, half-fawn like Thomas from the Narnia movies.

Flattering, huh?

And he just laughed and laughed.

So I said, "the FLUTE?" And then he said, "I'm just kidding. I made that part up. The dream is true, but I made up the Aaron part for the humorous."


He has his sweet moments, too. The other day, as we drove into LR, I told him that Holly had a big test that day...and that he should pray for her if he thinks of it. He replied, "I'lllllllllllll get to it." (which is a catch-phrase that, based on past behavior, means, I'm-probably-gonna-forget-to-do-this). And I said, "well, it's first thing this morning, soooo."

Well, we pulled up into the parking lot at the TR Center. He grabbed his backpack and his lunch and opened his door to get out. Just as fast, he slammed it shut. He said, "we need to pray for Holly," and he grabbed my hand.


I prepared myself for a heartfelt and dramatic prayer for his sister.

Instead he said, "be with Goupie. Amen."

Short, simple, and to the point.

Side note: He has always called Holly, "Goupie" or "Goup." We don't know why.

Today, I picked him up and he had to tell me all about his day. Even tho I know not to interrupt him, because he will say, "uh-huh and anyway" without really hearing what I am saying or asking...and he will continue on with his story, point-by-point, minute-by-minute, IN ORDER until he's finished.

It was FRIEND Julia's birthday, and so the day was all about her. Well, not really, but her parents were bringing cake after lunch, so there was THAT...and everyone knows that all the FRIENDS love them some cake.

I may have mentioned before that there is a little tug-o'-war between Julia and Jenni for Joshua's affections, even tho Jenni and Joshua have been dating for going on ELEVEN YEARS.

He said that Jenni sat by him on the van on the way to lunch, but when they got back on the van to head back to the Center...Julia "plopped herself down" beside him and that made Jenni really mad. So he had one arm on Julia, all the while reaching up to the seat in front of him and putting his hand on Jenni's shoulder.

When they got back to the Center, there was still a disturbance in the force so he said he stood in the middle of them and put his hands up to separate them (and for emphasis) and said, "I AM NOT A TROPHY. STOP FIGHTING OVER ME."

"A wise man will listen and increase his learning..." Proverbs 1:5

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