Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lobsters and Blessed Are The Nice

On the way home from Therapeutic Recreation last week, Joshua started telling me all about his day. He typically starts out with this phrase, "well, after you left, we hanged around the Center for a while..."


And he goes step-by-step through the day and don't you dare interrupt him to comment or ask a question. He does like my Grandma Ellen used to do, which is to mumble, "uh-huh-and-anyway," and then continue in his conversation without missing a beat.

This particular day, they were eating their lunch at the Center. The drama was between Michael and Melissa. They used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but Michael has a...ummm...let's see how to say it. He has a wandering eye, and he LOVES girls. And so he might have Melissa on one side of him, and be making eyes at someone else on the other side.

Oh, Michael.

At some point, Melissa had enough and she "breaked up" with him (Joshua's words). They still like each other, but Michael also likes every other girl.

So, at lunch, Michael was sitting with another girl and Melissa was getting her feelings hurt. Joshua wasn't having it. He said he got up and went over to Michael and said, "We are NOT doing this. It's our first week back and you need to be nice. You are hurting Melissa's feelings and you need to stop being a player."

What in the WORLD?

And then he said to Michael, "When are you going to realize that Melissa is your lobster?"

(Please somebody tell me you remember this quote from "Friends.")

I told him, "Joshua, you are being a peacemaker."

And Joshua said, "pretty much."

I said, "In the Bible, Jesus said, 'blessed are the peacemakers.'"

"Or," Joshua said, "like that one time on Everybody Loves Raymond...Ray said, "JESUS said, blessed are the NICE.'"

Joshua may have watched too much TV in his younger years...

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9

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