Sunday, September 28, 2014

That Time I Almost Killed Clark

I don't talk a whole lot about Clark on here, because BOY.

And, because he is a Senior.

And because, in typical Clark fashion, he is on my list this week.

On Wednesday night, he came in from church and from seeing his girlfriend...and laid a piece of paper on the arm of the chair where I was sitting...and he said, "good-night, I'm going up," and went up to bed. It was about 10 p.m. The room was dark, except for the TV, so I turned on the light on my phone to see what the paper was. It was nothing important...just the form for the Senior Ads (that go in the know...with a special picture/pictures, a Bible verse, a touching message from the family)...IT WAS DUE THE NEXT DAY.

I do not receive that.

Because, I had to be in Little Rock with Joshua all the next day.

And that's how Marty died.

But then she resurrected herself and lunged at her son...and that's how CLARK died.


It was at this point that I did what any self-respecting mother would do: I called in reinforcements: Faith-the-girlfriend. I remembered that she only had one class on Thursday. She said she worked on the yearbook staff for 2 years in high school, and she knew how to do the Senior Ads.


I went to Little Rock and a couple of hours later, Faith-the-girlfriend called and said, "I'm sitting at your your kitchen table...(no one else was home) and I've got yours and Mr. Jim's lap-tops up and running, and I just have a few questions..."

Um. Yes, please.

Any privacy issues I might have had were lost by this point, and I even had her digging through the desk in the kitchen to find a CD with photos on it.

No pride at all.

But she did it and it was turned in by the end of the day. Amen and amen.

And Clark? He came bee-boppin' in from school at 3:30...without a care in the world.

"God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Matthew 5:7


  1. And I officially fell out laughing at "I don't receive that"

    1. I know, right? But just get have boys. It's a whole, new world! :)
