Friday, September 12, 2014

Downsy Boy and the Foot Lady

The other day, I was able to meet Holly for lunch after her classes. I love being able to do that.

I love that we actually like being together, and I love that I have been given this opportunity to be close to her during this part of her life. I love that we live in the same town and go to the same church. I know that it may not always be this way, so I am going to enjoy every.single.minute of it while I can!

So, she got out of class early, and we met for lunch and shopping! So fun!

At some point, we ended up at the mall to just walk around and kill some time before I had to pick up Joshua. I almost always park in the same place. I've been coming to this mall since I was pregnant with Joshua. I know that there's a bathroom right inside the door, which is gold if you are young and pregnant...or if you have little ones.

OR, if you are old(er) like me and not pregnant, but you have let 4 small humans reek havoc on your's good to know where the bathrooms are.

I'm just sayin'.

And it's right by the baby department.

Holly and I walked in the door and were walking by the baby department on our way into the mall when I saw him. And I stopped dead in my tracks and went into full-out creepy, old lady, stalker mode. He.had.Down.Syndrome.

I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I can spy a Downsy boy or girl from a mile off. Or, at the very least, across a store. My Downsy senses are like a bat that fly in a completely dark room...darting around columns and racks of clothes and other people until ZING...I'm locked in on my target.

Holly's pretty good at it, too.

And, you know, usually I just walk by and smile to myself...especially since this Mom has no clue that we are watching her and her baby. (que the Psycho music...reek, reek, reek)

But we walked by and the Mom wasn't looking at us, but her little boy was. And I started to just walk by even tho I really wanted to say something...but there are just so many times that I second-guess myself and I end up walking by and not saying anything, and I don't know...I just remember the days when I would have loved a word of encouragement because I got a LOT of different comments. Just sayin'.

So I stopped and turned around and spoke to the lady whose back was turned to me. I told her how cute her baby was. The whole time, he was just smiling and HE LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE JOSHUA. Not even kidding...crinkly brown eyes, stinkin' up brown hair, big, BIG smile.

As I talked to the Mom, I held up my hand to let her son give me "five." I totally think he would've jumped into my arms...and if he had, I may or may not have run out the door with him.



The reason I was hesitant about speaking to the lady, besides STRANGER DANGER, is because you just never know if they think that we...can't tell.

I remember looking at Joshua when he was a baby...and honestly, I was so in love with him that I was blind to anything and anyone else. And, with him being our first child, I really had no comparison. I thought he was beautiful and wonderful, and I just didn't think anyone out there could...TELL.

But they could. And they can.

And I can.

She asked us some questions about Joshua, and then we let her go. She said that she appreciated us talking to her...and that she always loved hearing other people's stories.

We walked away with our hearts full and happy, and Holly spent the rest of our time at the mall...looking for that lady and her baby.

SEE? It's not just me.

ANYWAY, we headed to this section of Dillard's where Holly likes to shop, and the sales associate came up and asked if we needed any help. We were looking at the sale items...because this particular designer is pricey, and we were hoping to score some end-of-season deals. She was excited to show us more items in the "sale" section.

And home-girl would NOT leave us alone. She was super friendly and talkative, but give it a rest! I couldn't even think. She commented on my leopard Toms, which...thank you, Sheaffer, because I bought them back in September of 2013 because you told me to.

And I bought a pair for Holly, too.

She kept talking about how cute my leopard Toms were...I seriously thought she was going to ask me if she could try them on, and I was thinking of ways I could get out of it the words of one of Holly's nursing school class-mates: "I don't know you like that." She kept saying that she would lovvvvvve to wear my Toms, but that she had recently had a cortisone shot in her foot because of foot arthritis (gag)...and so she has to wear flat slip-on shoes until the swelling goes down (GULP).

She started telling us about the cortisone shot she got and how bad it she was grabbing onto the bed and the doctor and the nurse and anyone else she could get her hands on. She said her doctor said, "I think that's the worst you've ever done." To which she the doctor, "I think that's the worst YOU'VE ever done."

And will not believe what happened. Girlfriend TOOK OFF HER SHOE AND SHOWED US HER TOE.

I threw up a little in my mouth.

Because FEET? Please...for the love of all that is holy...KEEP YOUR FEET TO YOURSELF.

I didn't know if it was because Holly was still in her scrubs from school, or if this lady was just really uninhibited (or on pain meds), but oh my word. She told Holly that her son was a nurse and what floor he worked on AND HIS NAME and to please look him up and tell him that you met his mom.

Ooooooooookay crazy lady.

Not gonna happen.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 118:29

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