Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kickball, Telepathic Messages and Left-Overs

This has been such a long week for some reason. I feel exhausted. I am really looking forward to the weekend.

Joshua went to Therapeutic Recreation 3 days this week. The first day, they were supposed to have ceramics, but the ceramics-lady didn't show up. I think they ended up doing some sort of "fall" craft at the center before lunch. After lunch, they headed to a local gym for some "active programming." This turned out to be kickball.

Which, what were they thinking?

And I don't know how it happened that Joshua ended up with the ball in his hands, since it was KICKBALL...and I don't know how it happened that the ball left his hands and sailed across the room, since it was KICKBALL...but it was and it did and it beaned Jenni in the head.

Right in her dome.

And you have to know that there was wailing and gnashing of teeth.

She fell out and started crying and everyone rushed over to her. Everyone but Joshua. He thought he had killed her and took off to the bathroom. So he is crying in the men's bathroom, and Jenni is crying in the women's bathroom...and all of the FRIENDS are beside themselves with worry and concern for both of them.

Joshua talked about it all the way home. He apologized to Jenni (she is fine and it didn't leave a mark or anything) for hitting her, and to Mrs. Alanna, the director of the program, for running off.

On Wednesday, they planned on going hiking and then out to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. On the way into Little Rock, I asked Joshua if he had texted Jenni to let her know that we would be there around 9:15. If we aren't there at straight-up 9 a.m., she will text him approximately 9000 times to ask where he is and if he's coming and is he ok.

Joshua said, "no, but I sent her a message telepathically." I said, "ooooooookay...does she get those?" He just grinned and said, "sometimes!"

Joshua said that some of the friends forgot their water bottles for the hike, and I will just tell was a nice was not hot...there was a lot of shade...they were not walking fast, or far...but if one FRIEND has a water bottle and another FRIEND does not? Well, they might as well be in the Sahara Desert...because someone is figgin' to die.of.thirst.

Fortunately, Joshua shared his water bottle with ALL THE FRIENDS WHO FORGOT. 


By the time they got to Buffalo Wild Wings, they were all near death.

Joshua said that when they finally brought out everyone's food, his order was missing. The waiter told him that he had dropped some of the chicken strips off of his plate. Joshua told him, "that's fiiiiiine." The waiter eventually brought him more, but since Joshua was eating very slowly, he ended up putting most of them in a to-go box to bring home. And, some of the other FRIENDS didn't eat all of THEIR lunches, so he just packed those up and brought them home for us, too. Just squished everything all in one box so that it was all mixed together.


I told him that we really don't want him bringing home food that isn't from our own family, and he said, "I didn't want it to go to waste."

It's at this point that I want to wring Jim's neck for teaching him about not wasting things...because it's either he brings home ALL THE FOOD that's left-over from ALL THE FRIENDS...or none at all. Make up your mind!

Our dog ate well that night.

Today, they had fitness at the gym and then came back to the TR Center to eat. I ended up getting Joshua right after lunch and coming home. I was so tired and I was just ready to be home. Even tho I thought I had the house picked up and all of the laundry done on Monday...for some reason, I just got behind on everything. Joshua was out of Poptarts, which happens...NEVER. And he said he had to resort to using underwear "from his BOTTOM drawer," because the top drawer was empty. He also said he was "running low on towels." Not surprising, since the child uses approximately 3 or 6 towels EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

He's little AND clean.

I had a drink from Chick in my cup holder. Usually Joshua will ask if he can have a sip of my drink, but today he just grabbed it and started drinking. I said, "help yourself there, Mister." He said, "can I have some of your drink?" I said, "yes." And then I heard him making all kinds of "mouth noises." He has a small mouth and a larger-ish tongue and his "bite" is off. Sometimes, after he eats, he does this thing with his tongue that I call "tongue flossing," and it is so gross! So after he took a sip of my drink, he started the mouth noises. I shot him a look, and he said, "mmmm...trying to get the PB&J out of my teeth."

And then I threw up.

And then I told him he could have the rest of my drink because YUCK.

And, after we got into town, we made a quick trip to the grocery and bought Poptarts, Diet Coke, potato chips and Oreos.

That's a proud Mom moment right there.

"Do everything without complaining and arguing..." Philippians 2:14

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