Monday, September 1, 2014

I Frown Upon That

We've had a good Labor Day weekend. Holly and Aaron got in last night from Auburn...they went to watch Arkansas play (we lost, don't ask). Logan and Morgan got in here last night, after spending a couple of days with her family.

Anyone remember the "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode where there is a clash between Amy's family and Robert's family...and Amy ends up locking herself in the bathroom? Ray tries to talk to her through the door, and one thing he says is "nothing good can come from family." When his mother, Marie, looks at him and repeats his statement, "nothing good can come from family?" he whispers, "her family." And she nods.

So, anytime we have to say "her family" about anyone, we say it like that.

Because we don't think badly of Morgan's family at all. They are a wonderful family.

Her family.


Last night, we all ate out for dinner and got Pineapple Whip (which is totally awesome) for our dessert. At one point, Clark's girlfriend, Faith, looked over at me and said, "are you happy that everyone is here?"

Yes, yes I am.

This morning, Jim and I made a big breakfast, and we have basically done little else all day but eat and hang out. I took Logan and Morgan out shopping, and we didn't buy one thing. Most everything was closed, which...RATS...but I get that it's a holiday.

The biggest thing that happened this weekend is that our pastor resigned from our church. We knew it was coming, because he had send us an email about it. We chose not to tell Joshua in advance. Because with all of the changes going on with him, we just weren't sure how he would handle it in the days leading up to Sunday.

So, we were sitting in church, and it was time for the sermon. The pastor came forward and started talking. I had wondered how much of it Joshua would pick up on, but he "got it" right off the bat.

And he folded his arms across his chest and stuck out his lower lip defiantly. He was not happy.

Our pastor is not leaving because our church is unhealthy or because he's unhappy here. There's nothing going on in his life or in his family's lives that would necessitate his resignation. There's nothing with the staff or deacon body that would make him want to leave.

No. He is leaving to be the Associate Vice-President of Pastoral Leadership for Lifeway Christian Resources in Nashville. It is the PERFECT job for him and his personality. Our pastor has a heart for other pastors, and has life-experiences that make him the perfect candidate for this position. I only hope there is a way that he can get me a discount at Lifeway...I love to shop there!

It is hard to be sad, because I am just so excited for him and his family.

Joshua does not share this sentiment.

The pastor and his wife stood at the front of the church after the service and everyyyyyyybody went up to speak to him. When it was our turn, Jim and I told him how we would really miss him, and how excited we were for this awesome opportunity for him.

And Joshua said, "I frown upon that."

"A joyful heart is good medicine..." Proverbs 17:22

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