Saturday, August 15, 2015

A Sweet Saturday

Today was a great day. We "hanged around" (Joshua's words) the house most of the day. I caught up on laundry, and washed some sheets and towels that Clark will take to college (sniff). I don't wanna talk about it, other than to say: 5 days.


I can hardly stand it.

Jim and Clark mowed the yard, and Jim commented that he would have to start doing it by himself until the summer (sniff).

Around lunch, Logan texted to ask if we wanted to meet them for dinner half-way. Uhhh...YEAH. That perked all of us up a LOT...because 5 days (sniff).

We called Holly and Aaron, and they came over and rode with us...along with Clark and Faith...and Joshua, of course. We were so excited to see Logan and Morgan. He is getting his wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday, and then he has orientation for O/T school on Friday. Prayers would certainly be appreciated that he would have NO complications from this procedure.

Morgan starts her internship (also known as her semester of practice teaching) on Monday. Actually, the students won't be there until the next week, but she is going on Monday for meetings and stuff...and then will stay home with Logan on Tuesday, and maybe even Wednesday...and then go back on Thursday.

So many changes going on in our family in the next week or two.

We had a great time at dinner. Morgan's mom, little brother and his friend...also joined us tonight. It was great to see them, too, and I know it meant a lot to Morgan that they came.

I know this post it kind of boring and not funny at all. But I just wanted to record these memories for our family. After dinner, we got a picture of all the kids on the bench outside the restaurant. We've had many pictures made there over the years.

Family is everything to us. It's not the most important thing, but it's right up there...after our salvation and our marriage. I am thankful for every opportunity to hang out with the kids, and it blesses me that they like to hang out with each other.

"You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me..." Psalm 92:4

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