Thursday, January 22, 2015

Errands, Chicken Dinner and Jermaine Taylor

"Get ready and let's go run errands...and we can get Chick-Fil-A for lunch when we're done."

See what I did there?

I decided that we needed to run a couple of errands this morning, even tho it was rainy and cold. Joshua is hard-of-hearing, so instead of yelling up the stairs at him, I decided to just text him.

I decided to just text him and use bribery.

I knew he wouldn't really want to get out in the rain. I also knew that he wouldn't pass up lunch at Chick for anything.

This ain't my first rodeo.

I also added, "don't look scruffy" to the end of my text.

I smiled when I heard his razor lasted about 3 seconds.

When we got in the car, I glanced over at him. I said, "you missed a spot, or 9000, when you shaved." He just grinned and said, "weh-oh (well), there's only one day a week that I shave close, and that's Sunday."

I said, "well, it's there's that."

We finished up our errands, picked up lunch at Chick, and came home. I had texted Clark's girlfriend, Faith, to see if she wanted to join us, and she did. So the 3 of us had a fun time.

I knew Jim had a meeting tonight, so I started cooking dinner he could eat before he went. When he walked in after work, he said, "I think we are eating at the meeting."

And that's how Jim died.


By the time I got dinner on the table, Jim had gone to his meeting...and Clark had gone to Faith's it was just Joshua and I at the table. Which was fine. He prayed for the ones in our family who weren't able to eat with us, and he prayed for my brother, who hurt his back last week. He told me how much he enjoyed running errands with me today, and that I had made a "killer good" chicken dinner. I got to hear about his intense dislike for Alabama (they were playing the HOGS tonight in basketball), and that the HOGS had gotten two new assistant coaches this week. I also got to hear his thoughts on how Jermaine Taylor needs to "man-up" and get his act together.

He said that he was reading this book on how to be a man that I had gotten him for Christmas. He said, "Jermaine Taylor might not have had a fatherly role-model in his life." And then we talked about how important that was, but that after we are adults...we are responsible for our own actions.

And he said, "Jermaine Taylor might not have had a fatherly role-model in his life."



And I said, "that is very sad, and it might be a REASON why a person thinks a certain way or makes certain choices...but it cannot be an excuse. Because he's an adult and he knows better."

He said, "I know. But when he gets out of jail, he needs to get on his knees and cry in front of his kids...and apologize."

And before I could respond, he said, "this is the best chicken dinner I've had all year."

Not too shabby for the 22nd day of January.

"The LORD is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. But He does not excuse the guilty. He lays the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected--even children in the third and fourth generations." Numbers 14:18

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