Sunday, May 18, 2014

All Things New

Well, today is Sunday and we did something new.

Our church recently relocated our main campus to a place in the west part of town. Because they are trying to use the new building in the best and most efficient way possible, classes were switched in ways that seemed logical to most families...and we have SS/Small Groups and church going on simultaneously...for 2 hours.

While this switch has been beneficial to 99% of our church body, it's been a hard change for our family...because of our unique situation. Our small group is on the same schedule as Clark's...but on the opposite schedule as Holly, Aaron, and Joshua. We don't have to go to service with Holly and Aaron, but we DO have to go with Joshua. I wish that we could all go together to the same worship service, like before, but we are trying to embrace this new change.

For the past 5 weeks or so, we haven't been to any small group...we've just gone to one of the worship services. But today was a new day! We decided on a class to visit, and got there early to take Joshua to his.

Joshua has been attending a class for Career Singles...which is not where he needs to be AT ALL, but our church doesn't have a class for adults with Special Needs.


So his class has been moved to a building off from the main one. When Jim and I walked him over there, he was the ONLY ONE there. We stayed a few minutes with him, and then he said he was okay and didn't seem anxious at all, so we went on to find our class.

We walked into a very large group. Our old class had 6-7 on a good Sunday. This class had about 20, I'd say. Everyone was very nice and friendly, and we met a ton of people. I didn't hear a word of the lesson, because all I could think of was "is Joshua okay?" And, "can he find his way back to the big building by himself?"

I could hardly wait until class was over. I went straight to choir, and Jim went to look for Joshua. I looked up and Holly was coming into the choir room. She said, "I saw Joshua...he's sitting with Logan," and I immediately relaxed.

What a morning!

After church, our minister of music wanted to meet for lunch. He likes to try and meet all the new choir people if he can. Jim and I met him and his family at McAlister's and we had a great visit.

So, that's a new class for Jim and I...the same class in a new place for Joshua...and lunch out with new friends. All in one day.

God is good.

"...behold, I am making all things new..." Revelation 21:5

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