Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Wedding and A Birthday

We've had a big day today!

We had a wedding to attend, so we all...Jim, Joshua, Clark and Faith...and I...all headed down to my in-law's lake-house. Holly and Aaron came in their own car, and they brought a birthday cake for Aaron. Today is his 27th birthday! We all sat there and had cake right then...before the wedding.

Why wait, right?

My know those candles in the shapes of numbers? She keeps them in a drawer, and we drag them out for each person's birthday. I looked in that drawer and I found every number except 4 and 7. I didn't need the 4, but I did need the 7. We ended up improvising. We put the 2 on the cake...and left a big space. And then we put the 6 and the 1 close together. See what I did there? Hahahahahaha! I posted this pic on Instagram: martythemoose and on Facebook.

After we had cake, we went to the wedding.

The wedding was short and sweet...just the way we all like them!

Then it was back to the lake-house to hang out and visit. When we walked in, my mother-in-law was sitting at her kitchen table with her sister and two of her cousins...and they were CHEWIN' THE FAT, let me tell you...and no one was safe.

You thought the women on The View talked over each other and all at the same time? They've got nothin' on this group!

Something was said about a few of the younger cousins running in the Warrior Dash, and Jim started telling about my sister, Robin, running in the Ironman Triathlon for her 50th birthday. He was describing the swimming for 2 1/2 miles...and biking for 112 miles...and running a 26.2 full marathon. And, at this point, let me just say that I'm not at all sure I got those distances exactly right...except for the marathon...just know that it was a LOT.

And then this happened...all 4 women...all in their LATE 70's...all talking at the same time...and all talking over each other:

"You don't mean it?"
"She did all of that in one day?"
"Why would she do that?"
"Well, that's just abusive to your body."
"Yes, that is surely abusive to your body."
"Oh dear."
"Why would someone do anything like that?"

And then this mother-in-law said, "hey, hey, hey...don't say too much. You just never know...I may take up with that."

And then one of the cousins said, "well, you just let me know and I'll do it with you."


After the hen-party had sufficiently exhausted all the news about everyone in the family, they all went their separate ways. The rest of us went out to dinner to celebrate Aaron's birthday.

We had a great dinner, and then the wait-staff came over and showered Aaron with loud screaming and singing...and pie!

During all of this ruckus, Logan texted me to say he was at home. I posted here that he was going on a float/camping trip this weekend with 2 of his groomsmen. We were all nervous for him to be on the river because of all the rain we've had in the last few days. Last night and this morning, they had even more rain and a few storms where they were. We thought they weren't coming home until tomorrow, but they came home today.

Logan has gone to dinner with Morgan's family so we haven't gotten to hear all about it, and why they came home early. All I know is that everything he took...clothes, tent, life-jacket, sleeping bag, hammock, sopping wet and smells like smoke. Like, camp-fire smoke. Most of it, he hung outside, but the clothes were in the laundry room.

I went ahead and threw them in the washing machine...that smoky smell was stinking up the house! I thought about how this would be the last time I would do this. The next time he goes camping, if he comes home with wet and smelly clothes, he will either do them himself...or Morgan will do them. (sniff)

No, I probably won't miss that...but still...

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised." Psalm 113:3

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