Saturday, May 24, 2014


So, thirty-four years ago, two scrawny 19 year old kids stood at an altar before God and e'erbody, and promised to love each other and stay together no matter what. 

Jim and I had no idea of the great and wonderful times that were ahead of us, the joys of children and family and friends. 

We also could not know of the trials God would allow to come into our lives thru the years. Big ones, like sick children and cancer and loved ones that we've lost along the way; And small ones, like the little every day aggravations of sharing the same space and needing to be right and how one of us uses humor in life, and the other uses logic (pbbbbth...whatever), and how one of us screeched out of my sister's neighborhood in a 3 car caravan full of our family WITHOUT REALIZING UNTIL 45 MINUTES LATER THAT THE OTHER ONE OF US WASN'T EVEN IN THE CAR. 

BUT, just like God used the constant irritation of water to, over time, create something as beautiful as the Grand Canyon...and the irritation of sand to create a prayer is that He is using our differences to soften each other's edges, and make something beautiful out of the mess of some of our days. 

And I hope that we will continue to acknowledge God as the One who has held us together in every situation. 

I think Winnie-the-Pooh said it best, "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you."

"...where you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live..." Ruth 1:16 

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