Monday, September 12, 2016

My New Job

I posted this on my Facebook: Started my new job today. My boss is a little demanding, but he lets me wear my flannel pajammies to the office." 

Today was Holly's first day back to work, after a 12 week maternity leave. It was bittersweet. Bitter for Holly, because she had to leave Rhodie all day...and sweet for me, because I got to keep him all day.

It was glorious.

And, not gonna lie...taking care of a baby is no joke.

I've done it 4 times, but my youngest is 20,'s been a while for this momma.

But Rhodie was the sweetest thing...just like he is every, single day.

Jim had an early breakfast meeting. He was gone before Aaron-the-son-in-law brought Rhodie over...even tho he waited until the last possible minute to leave. And then, I just KNEW he would find a reason to come back by the he could see Rhodie. I was prepared for the door to open, and for him to say, "well, I needed to come by and brush my teeth..."

But he didn't.

Joshua was so excited for this day. He got up early and came down to "help" me with him. I pretty much had it under control, and I was rocking him back to sleep...and so I didn't really NEED someone getting right down in his face saying, "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..." and "I LOOOOOOOVE you."

Back off, Fred.

Seriously, Joshua was a big help to me today. He said it was the first time he really felt like an "uncle."


And now I guess I'm done "babysitting" for the next week and a half.

It's always a very hard and very personal decision a mother makes, when or if she decides to go back to work after having a baby. And why we all feel the need to weigh in on other people's lives and the choices they make for their own children and their own family is beyond me.

I feel like saying a big, ol' "COME ON, MAN." (you know, like the TV show on ESPN?)


It's like the beginning of all the momma guilt, but like I try to tell moms, it's something we have to fight against all of our lives. Especially until we get our kids graduated from high school.

And then they go to college, and we wonder if we did it all right...or if we did ANYTHING right. Or if we did too much of this, and not enough of that. And how we should've done this, should've gone there. It can make you crazy, and it's JUST the distraction satan looks for to keep you feeling insecure. If he can use the doubts in our mind to keep us distracted from what God wants us to do...then we will live very ineffective lives for the Kingdom of God.

But, for today? For me?

It was a good day.

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the child of her womb? Even if these forget, yet I will not forget you." Isaiah 49:15

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