Sunday, July 20, 2014

Our Wild Friday Night

In other news, my hummingbirds are still fighting.

We had a great day on Friday. Jim was off and he "hanged around" (Joshua's words) the house and worked hard in the yard. I took Joshua to get a hair-cut and did laundry.

Real glamorous stuff.

The weather here has been so nice. Arkansas is sometimes called, "Arkansauna" because it's the "weather you can wear."

Oh the humidity! 

But we had several days last week that were nothing short of AWESOME!

Around lunch, Holly called to say she had made it home from nursing school, and was coming over. She had had her IV check-off earlier and she passed! She got "flashback" on the first try, which, apparently is a huge deal and she was so happy!

Just letting you know that if anyone needs shots, IVs, catheters or a sponge bath...she's available.

Just kidding.

My father-in-law has offered her a full-time-job as soon as she graduates from nursing school. He wants her to take care of all of his medical needs, and basically be at his beck and call. He told her, "can't pay you no money, but you can live and eat here for free."

He's only half-way kidding.

Anyway, after Clark got home from work, we started talking about what to have for dinner. Jim said he "wanted something different," but not Chinese, Italian or Mexican.


So, I suggested IHOP and he said, "well, that IS different." Aaron came over when he got in from work, and we all went there to eat. It was not crowded, and our IHOP was a great place to people watch on a Friday night.

Just sayin' and I'll leave it at THAT.

And then we came home. Jim, Joshua and Aaron sat outside and talked...and played with the dogs. Holly got out her notebooks and sat at the kitchen table, writing notes for her test this week. Clark and Faith decided to paint some picture frames that she's gonna use in her new dorm room this year. They lined up the frames and newspaper and paint on the bar in the kitchen.

I stood in the kitchen and I was just so happy. Holly looked over at me and said, "I know, Mom...I know."

Because, I love my family. I love that we actually LIKE being with each other. I love that we can all be in the same house...and find different things to do.

Or do nothing at all.

I missed Logan and Morgan being there so much.

Just really feeling thankful on this night.

"Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God the Father..." James 1:17

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