Thursday, June 26, 2014

Holidays at the Lakehouse

Everyone loves when I write about my in-laws, God love 'em. And the thing is, everyone who knows my in-laws loves them, too. I dug this post out of my drafts.

Today, I thought I'd share a holiday memory. It might be from Thanksgiving or Christmas...I can't even remember. But it will give you a little insight into life around here. It was 2007, I think...maybe 2008. Not exactly sure and it doesn't matter. It could happen any year.

We got to the lake-house and all of the family was there...Jim's two brothers, their wives, all the kids, etc. We had planned on all going out for dinner together. We were all completely ready...all except Jim's dad. He was outside cleaning fish. Yes...he knew we were all coming. Yes...he knew there were 20 people waiting on him in the living room. It didn't phase him in the least. Honestly, I think that it's part of his fun. He walks to the beat of his own drum, and half of the stuff he does, he does to get a reaction from his daughters-in-law and his grandchildren.

Knowing that tidbit of information, you can imagine that he took an extra long time cleaning the fish. When he finally came in the house to "clean up," we were blessed to hear him bellow out his rendition of "When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder," and "How Great Thou Art" while he bathed.

He finally got ready but he makes a big, loud production of he can't ever find any socks and how "them kids have run off" with all of his things. And this whole time, my m-i-l is running around saying, "GENE...HURRY UP...THE KIDS ARE WAITING." Which, I'm convinced, makes him move even slower.

He always likes to tell us that whatever it is he is wearing used to belong to so-and-so, and he got it AFTER THEY DIED.

I'm a little more conditioned to this phenomenon now, after being exposed to it for years...but it still creeps me out. He told me one time, "Martha..."

For some reason, he always calls me Martha. And he pronounces it, "Mahhhtha." 

Anyway, he said, "Mahhhtha, I know you have a different view on death than we do around here. You are more sensitive. We think it's sad and all, but we look at it as a way that we can get some new clothes."

I know.

Bless it.

He said, "after they die, the family will go through their closets and give it all away to whoever can wear the stuff." And as I looked on with horror, he explained, "it's not like they're gonna need it, and no sense wastin' good clothes."

Most of the clothes my father-in-law gets are "pre-worn," for lack of a better term, and he's happy to have them. It's great if the clothes or shoes actually FIT, but most of the time they don't. It's okay...they make do.

And, BONUS: everyone is thrilled if they get clothes that still have the tags on them: "Can you believe that he had 3 sports-coats STILL WITH THE TAGS ON THEM?"And then the price that's on the tag must be shared with everyone. The higher the price, the better it is that you were the one who scored the dead-guy's suit...or pants...or shoes.

At dinner tonight, Papaw is wearing the Uncle Bill Collection...

May he rest in peace.

We headed out to dinner. We went to this Chinese buffet place that we always go to...they pretty much know us there. That might explain why my father-in-law felt comfortable enough to USE HIS HANDS, instead of the utensils provided, to get some of those crunchy won-ton things from the buffet. He said his thumbs were numb and he couldn't use those tongs.

Now, not gonna lie. Some of the things he does...I can't...I mean...well, there are just no words.

But the people at the restaurant didn't seem to mind, so I guess no harm, no foul, right?

My in-laws are from a different generation. They go to this place a lot and they feel like they're kind-of like family. And if they met you, they would probably invite you to come visit them at their home anytime. That's just how they are.

They would probably offer you a cup of coffee and a piece of freshly baked cake or pie.

Actually, they would probably offer you a FORK and tell you to DIG IN.

Like, dig in with everyone else from the same pan or dish.

I like that. I can't do it, but I like it.

Most of the time!

"Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling." 1 Peter 4:9

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