Tuesday, April 15, 2014

No Time For Pancakes

So, Jim had to leave earrrrrllllly this morning to attend a meeting, so I got up with him. I walked out with him, and watched him back down the driveway in the dark. I walked back into the house and looked at the clock. It was 4:53 a.m.


I debated on going back to bed, and I DID go back there...but I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I sat up to read, and watched the news.

I finally got back up about 5:45 a.m., and went into the kitchen to make pancakes for breakfast. For years, I made pancakes every Wednesday. Then we moved here, and I kind of got out of the habit of it. Plus, Clark started meeting his girlfriend for breakfast on Wednesdays before school.

I don't know why I think I can only do it on Wednesdays.

So, all morning I was thinking about how it was Wednesday. and how odd it was that Clark said he was going to be here for breakfast.

Except TUESDAY, hello?

Joshua got up and came down around 6:30. He gets up early when he's got Therapeutic Recreation (TR). He was excited to see the pancakes!

I kept wondering where Clark was, but he's a big boy and I don't wake him up for school anymore. I mean, I guess I WOULD, if it was 7:45 and he had to be there at 8...but I've never had to do that. I couldn't figure out why he hadn't come down. When he finally did, he was completely dressed. He brushed his teeth, brushed his hair, fixed his coffee and headed to the door.


You know that feeling where you get up extra early to make pancakes for someone...and then they get up late and don't have time to eat them?

You don't? Well, lah-dee-dah for you.

I said, "uhhh...hello? I made pancakes." He said, "I know, and I'm sorry to miss them."

UGH. I want credit for this.

Also, the little rat-fink used all but a micro-drop of the French Vanilla Coffee Mate, and put the container BACK IN THE REFRIGERATOR. He thinks this is so hilarious...BUT IT IS NOT.

Hello? Knock-knock. Still here?

I wouldn't blame you for leaving this riveting post.

Joshua had TR today. They were supposed to have ceramics and then eat lunch at the center...and then go to a garden place. Well, he said, "the ceramics lady canceled on us, and the garden place was too wet...so we stayed at the center and did some spring cleaning and art."

They also had a little lock-down situation today, but I didn't tell him about that.

I saw on The Twitter that an elementary school in the area where Joshua was was on lock-down because police were looking for some robbery suspects. EEEK! So I texted the Director and they took precautions. Everything was okay and the police caught the two men quickly.

In other news, Joshua is convinced that the end of the world is near...because of the Blood Moon. He had to tell me about it the whole way to Little Rock this morning...quoting me Bible verses and all of that. All I could tell him was that "no man knows the hour or the day" when Jesus will return...not even Jesus! And that every day we are closer to the end of the world...and spending eternity in Heaven with Him.

I got some wedding stuff done today, and Holly picked up Joshua for me. It's been a good day.

"I remember the days of old; I meditate on all You have done..." Psalm 143:5

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