Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Joshua and Kick-Boxing

Last Thursday, the activity at Therapeutic Recreation was Kick-Boxing.


He already told me that, on Zumba days, he adds some karate kicks of his own to the Zumba make it "more manlier." 

(Oh how I wish I could've been a fly on the wall)

Their fitness class was actual Kick-Boxing and they had an actual Kick-Boxing instructor. Joshua looked forward to it all week. When I picked him up, he was really tired. Tried, really. He said that he worked out harder than the rest of his friends. I am not surprised. The boy loves to exercise.

Jenni, on the other hand, told me she "only used her right hip."


How is that even possible?

Anyway, Joshua said the "Black man with the bald head and the green shirt"...started them off slow and easy, but kept "turning it up" every few minutes. And he did "air quotes" over "turning it up."

He was worn plumb out, but he had a GREAT time!

Tomorrow, the fitness activity is "boot camp." AND they are going to a fire station downtown after lunch. Joshua is so excited! He may not even be able to sleep tonight!

"Let them praise His name with dancing..." Psalm 149:3

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