Thursday, April 21, 2016

Warm Fuzzies

Joshua had a good week at Therapeutic Recreation. It's been a gloomy, rainy that typically means the FRIENDS stay inside. It's just not safe when it's rainy and you have FRIENDS with poor eye-sight, balance, and go out and about with walkers and wheelchairs and all.

But, on Tuesday morning, they managed to make it to the gym before the rain started. They did some group activities, but also had free-time to shoot hoops, play games or visit with each other. Joshua said that he did martial arts. Or, as he types it: MATERIAL arts.

The FRIENDS planned on eating at the gym. The Therapeutic Recreation director, Ms. Sherrie, always sends an email that details each activity for the that the FRIENDS can be prepared. Surprises are not a friend to the Therapeutic Recreation participants. Ha!

She specifically said to bring a "picnic-style" lunch. This means sandwiches...or something you can eat right from the bag. Not something that needs to be heated up/cut up/put on a plate/or kept in the refrigerator. She even added: THERE ARE NO MICROWAVES AVAILABLE AT THE GYM.

So, one girl brought a frozen pizza.

On Wednesday, they stayed at the Center all day. I came to get Joshua after lunch. They were doing a team-building activity, where Ms. Sherrie would write the name of one of the FRIENDS on the dry-erase board...and then all of the other FRIENDS took turns saying good qualities about that FRIEND. Ms. Sherrie wrote them all down, and then asked the one FRIEND what they thought of what everyone had to say about them.

(I know I totally messed up that sentence, but I'm tired and YOU GET THE DRIFT)

My two younger boys still have their list of "warm fuzzies" from 4th grade, when their teachers did this activity with their classes.

Apparently, this was an awesome activity. All of the FRIENDS were shocked and amazed by the things others had to say about them. There were smiles and hugs...and even some "happy tears."

I can't help but wonder how many corporate offices and teacher's lounges and FAMILIES would benefit from an activity like this. It's so simple...and yet it held great meaning for a sweet group of adult FRIENDS this week.

Joshua told what he said about each FRIEND. About one specific FRIEND, he said, "I told him that I thought he was a leader." I asked, "IS he a leader?" Joshua said, "not really...but I see that he COULD be."

And there's a lesson for all of us in that last statement.

"...God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

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