Thursday, June 25, 2015

Joshua: First Week of Summer Day Camp!

It's the first week of Joshua's Summer Day Camp, and we are trying to figure out the rhythm around here. The summer program has an adult group, that Joshua is in, and a kids group, where Clark works. These camps are held in two different locations in Little Rock...OF COURSE THEY ARE...because, one, it's not about me; and, TWO, my life would be way too easy if Joshua and Clark could be in the same general area.

Clark works 5 days a week, but the adult group only meets 3 days a week. We plan to let Joshua ride in with Clark most days, and ride home with him most days. We're still trying to figure it all out.

But THIS Tuesday, since it was the first day, I decided to take him. He was excited to see all of the FRIENDS, and I enjoyed visiting with the staff. His group went swimming, and then came back to the Center for activities. And then Clark picked him up and they rode home together.

I took Joshua on Wednesday morning, and we got stopped for FORTY MINUTES on the Interstate and I have no clue why. I toyed with the idea of just getting off at the closest exit, after we started moving, and going back home...but I ended up taking Joshua to Summer Camp. I had planned on meeting a friend for lunch, and that's what I did. It was such fun to catch up with her...we sat in the restaurant for 2 hours talking!

Thank goodness for KLOVE. I listen to it in my car all the time, if I'm not listening to a CD. They started playing, "I am a friend of God." I was trying to be silly with Joshua, because we call him "Fred." That's been his nickname since he was a baby. Whenever we hear that song, we sing it like this: "I am a FRED of God. I am a FRED of God. I am a FRED of God, He calls me FRED." Joshua was laughing and laughing.

He said, "it doesn't say FRED in the Bible. I don't know if God would be too happy that we changed the word to FRED." I explained to him that I wasn't changing Scripture...I was changing the words of a SONG.

He's still not sure we aren't gonna be in trouble over it.

I went to pick Joshua up after lunch, and we headed home. It is so unbearably hot here. I was hoping we wouldn't have any trouble on the way home, because I saw several cars overheated on the side of the road...and it made me think that I probably need to keep some water bottles in an ice-chest, and other items we might need, incase we are stopped on the side of the road.

I went to choir last night and! I just love it! Our music minister has been on "study leave" for a MONTH...and, while I was happy for him to have that time away with his family...that's a LONG TIME. It was weird going to choir by myself, because Holly is out-of-town with Aaron-the-son-in-law, and Faith-the-girlfriend (Clark), is a leader at Super Summer at OBU (church camp) and she's been there for almost 10 days.

This brings me to this morning. It's Thursday morning, as I'm typing this. I am typing through bleary eyes. I love dogs, but I've come to the realization that I love OUTSIDE dogs. We are keeping Holly and Aaron's halfadog, Marley, and he is a spoiled-rotten prima-donna sweet dog...but he is used to having the run of the house, and I'm sorry. My house, not his. Not having it.

I am allergic to dogs, which is why we typically have Labs...they stay outside. Marley wants to go in every room...and by "go," I mean "go" in every sense and definition of the word. And he wants to lay all over the furniture and beds.

I just realized that this week with Marley needs to be it's own post. I'll do that later in the week.

Anyway, I got up early because DOG. And I packed a lunch for Joshua and got him and Clark out the door. I don't care how old my kids are...when they leave to go anywhere, my heart is prompted to pray for them...and I could not really relax until Clark texted me to say they had made it safely.

Jim has gone to work, and the house is quiet...because DOG likes to party all night and sleep all day.

I noticed Jim taking the trash out this morning, and remembered it was trash I got a large garbage bag, and went to work in my pantry. I've written about how my mother-in-law shops IN BULK, and then my sweet husband brings home all of this stuff that we don't even use. OR IS EXPIRED. He doesn't like to throw anything away.

I, however, have no problem with it.

I didn't throw away anything good. But there were several items from 2013 that went straight to the trash. And, I'm sorry...not gonna use Ranch dressing from 2012...I don't care if it "hasn't even been opened" or not. GAG.

And I also threw away one of those large SYMPHONY bars. My mother-in-law buys them by the truck-load and Jim always has to bring back some of them. Hmmmm...preeeeeeeeeeeetty sure large SYMPTHONY bars have gluten in them, but whatever.

This morning, I threw one away that had an expiration date of 2011.


I love chocolate as much (or more) than the next person, but no thanky, 2011.

"But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." 1 Timothy 6:8

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