Thursday, June 11, 2015

A "Few Days of Fun"

Before we had even gotten home from picking up Joshua from Camp Barnabas last Friday, the programmer at Therapeutic Recreation had emailed all the FRIENDS. Apparently, they decided that it had been way too long since the FRIENDS had gotten together, and they decided to do something about it! They were offering 2 days this week for the FRIENDS to come and hang out at the TR center. The FRIENDS were going to do some cleaning and re-organizing to get things ready for the summer program.

Joshua was a mixture of excited and ALL THE NERVOUS FEELINGS.

Because this latest development? It was not on his 7-year planner.

He is his father's son, after all.

Joshua is a lover of routine...HIS routine. And, after being gone a week to Camp Barnabas...and being on THEIR routine...he was anxious to get back home and get settled.

So he kept going, "mumble-mumble-mumble...I didn't know we were having TR this week...mumble-mumble-mumble."

I said, "JOSHUA, you don't have to go if you don't want to." He said, "IMNOTTALKINGABOUTTHATRIGHTNOW."

Add to the mix: Jenni.

Her mom is out-of-town, and the TR email kind of threw what her family had planned for her this week...out of whack. She wasn't going to be able to go, because she didn't have a ride. If we lived closer, or if she lived on the way, I would totally offer to go pick her up and take her home....but she lives the opposite direction from where we need to be.

In the end, Joshua went and he had a great time. He said, "just because Jenni can't go is no reason why I shouldn't."

Yes, he said that.

I know, right? I was shocked!

The first day was just crazy. Holly and Clark went with us, because they each had appointments. I dropped Holly off first...she was getting her hair done. And then I took Joshua to TR...and then I took Clark to the orthodontist. Clark had broken his retainer a couple OR FOUR years ago. When he was at the dentist last week, he suggested that Clark might want to get another retainer keep his million dollar smile.

I waited with Clark until he was done, and then we ran a couple of errands. Holly still wasn't done, but we went out and sat in the salon until she was. Then we had a late lunch at Chick...before we picked up Joshua and headed back home. I was worn out, because what I had thought would be 2 "free" days for me...with Joshua at TR...turned into two very busy days.

But it was all good. :)

On Wednesday, Holly went down to Little Rock with Joshua and me. She had to go get fingerprinted for her background check...for her new job at the hospital. We dropped Joshua off at TR, and headed to the police headquarters. To say that we looked out-of-place there would be an understatement. After she was finished up and we were safely back in the car, I told Holly that, hindsight: it probably wasn't a good idea for her to bust up in there in her MK watch and fancy purse and all. She looked like she had stepped out of a photo-shoot. We had to walk through a sea of people wearing jumpsuits. It was just not a good situation, and I'm glad it's over...and I'm glad I went with her. I know she's 26 years old, but I would not have wanted her to go there by herself.

We ate lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Holly had been feeling kinda puny for several we split an order. I gave her the wonton soup and one "ball" of rice. I ate the other "ball" of rice and the kung pao chicken. And then we picked up Joshua and headed home.

Holly and I went to choir. I dropped her off at her house and came home. I made myself a baked potato, because Jim and the boys had already eaten. I looked up and in walked Holly and Aaron! He had waited on her to eat, and they had picked up sandwiches...and brought them over to eat at our house.

I love that we live in the same town, and that they like to come over and hang out.

I know. This is a boring post. But we've had a good week and I just want to remember these summer days.

"The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship." Psalm 19:1

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