Monday, March 16, 2015

A Merry Monday

We had such a great day. Sunny, warm, relaxing. Holly did not have to go to her nursing school classes today, so Jim took her to lunch...and then she came over and hung out here with us this afternoon. She went with us to our local Wal-Marks...and then we went to Hobby Lobby. Joshua was thrilled.

I bought what I hope is the last of the plain, black frames for my wall collage. I hope to get that knocked out this week.

We sat outside for a little while and enjoyed the nice weather...and then Jim grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for our dinner. We invited Holly and Aaron to stay and eat with us, and they did...and then we watched the first night of Dancing With The Stars.

I walked Holly and Aaron out to their cars, and when they left, I just stood there looking up at the sky. After having such a cloudy afternoon, tonight the sky was clear and the stars were bright. I was reminded of how small I am on this big planet of ours. So small and insignificant, so full of sin.

That God sent His only Son to die on the cross for ME?

My mind cannot even comprehend that kind of love.

I am overwhelmed me with thankfulness.

"When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him..." Psalm 8:3-4

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