Friday, March 21, 2014

The Holiday of Joshua's People

World Down Syndrome Day is on 3/21 every year to symbolize a third copy of the 21st chromosome in people with Down syndrome.

We try to celebrate Joshua and his special little self every day. We are all so thankful for him. He adds a dynamic to our family that is occasionally frustrating, at times overwhelming...but mostly sincere, hilarious and fun. 

We told Joshua that 3/21 is the "Holiday of His People." Holly and I celebrated him today with lunch and a BIG COOKIE from McAlister's.

We don't really talk "disabilities" around here. I want our home to be a place where we encourage each other in our strengths AND in our weaknesses...but Joshua posted something on Facebook this morning and, not gonna lie...I was holding back tears. Here is what he typed and I'm gonna write it exactly how he did:

"As you all know today is the day of people like me who all have many different disabilities. We may come from having different disabilities but our hearts we are one. Through the shedding blood of Christ we are one. Don't judge us for who we are or what we have. For I declare as a leader. We at least are loved and accepted by family we each have. Our bond is strong and unstoppable through The Lord who has made all different. Our hearts are 1."

Is that not the most precious thing you've ever read?

So, of being me and not knowing when to and just leave well-enough alone...I initiated a long conversation about how we should not concentrate on DISabilities, because we all have them in one way or another...but we should, rather, celebrate our Abilities. And I shared how God gave us all different gifts and how we all can't be feet or hands in the Body of Christ. 

Joshua understands these concepts, but today? I probably shaved off 3 years of my life because I got...

*slow blink*

And, funny thing...for World Down Syndrome Day, they were asking people to wear different colored socks. Like, funny patterned socks or striped socks...or socks that didn't match. Supposedly, this brings awareness to Down Syndrome, because when people ask about your socks, it opens the door for you to talk about individuals with Down Syndrome.

Too bad we don't use this type of tool for evangelism.

Just sayin'.

Anyway, what's so funny is that Joshua would NEVER EVER wear socks that didn't match...and he would NEVER wear "funny" or colorful socks. In fact, he has some striped "Sunday socks" that he occasionally wears with his khakis on Sundays. The last time he wore them he said, "I couldn't find my black socks, so I had to wear these." And he kind of frowned. Then he said, "so I had to wear these fruity socks." WHAT?

He can come up with some interesting color combinations, let me tell you: maroon and and orange...mixing stripes and plaids. But in HIS eyes, he thinks he matches. I've talked before about how he was born an "old soul." He doesn't really "get" a lot of humor, and he doesn't really like a lot of silliness. So to intentionally wear something like weird and colorful socks? He would never do it. 

Even on the Holiday of His People.

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!" Psalm 139:13-14

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