Sunday, January 24, 2016

Weekend Recap 1/24/2016

We've had a great weekend...a quiet weekend, so this post is gonna be kinda boring.

Holly stayed with us all weekend, because Aaron-the-son-in-law was out-of-town. We always LOVE when she stays with us. I just wish the other two boys had been here...that would've been a par-TAY!

We basically hung out here at home most of the weekend. Friday, we had snow...and we stayed in all day. On Saturday, Jim got up to go duck-hunting, and the rest of us stayed warm and cozy in our beds. I made a "big breakfast" all by myself, since Jim wasn't there to help...and we settled in for the day...watched some movies, ate some food, and generally were pretty lazy! Home is my happy, it was soooo cold outside!

Later that afternoon, Holly, Joshua and I went over to Holly's house, so that she could pick up some clothes for Sunday morning. While we were there, we spent some time trying to figure out a plan for the nursery. I told her I would help her clean out/move some things, to start preparing the baby's room.

We came back home and ordered pizza. Seriously, we were such hermits this weekend, and it was great!

Oh! Forgot some other news.

Our youngest son, Clark, is in college. He has said since DAY ONE that he was not interested in joining a "social club" (that's like a fraternity at his Christian college). I get it. Clark has lots of friends already. He's involved in some groups on campus already. He has friends that he meets for Bible Study and prayer group...I don't think he thought he needed any other group in his life.

But, late last Thursday, or something...he casually mentioned to his sister in a text...that he "went to a Rush thing," and Holly nearly lost her mind.

Holly DID join a social club when she was at this college, and she met the best friends of her life. It ended up being one of the best, most fulfilling, things she's ever done. So, she started the barrage of text messages that went unanswered FOR HOURS (I can't imagine why Clark didn't tell us he had decided to go through Rush).

When he finally texted her back, he said that most of his "friend group" decided to Rush, and most of them decided to pledge the same club. I think Clark is really going to like it!

Today, we had Sunday School and church. It was a great day! Holly was on Praise Team, and she wore one of the dresses we bought at the maternity store last week...her very first maternity dress! She looked SO cute!

Also, she turned to me just as the service was fixin' to start and said, "I'm wearing my new purple bra!"

I said, "HOLLY!"

She was holding her mic, and said, "I have it turned off..."

But we (the choir) are always mic'd up on the stage.


Jim and I are starting to feel more at home in our new small group. All of the people in there are really nice. Today, during the course of the lesson, Jim mentioned that we've been married almost 36 years.

You could've heard crickets chirping. 

Because, that's longer than many of the members of this class HAVE EVEN BEEN ALIVE.

And we already knew it...but I think they had a light-bulb moment in class today!

It was pretty funny, and we all laughed. They are a really fun group. I hope and pray that we can encourage each other all of our days together.

"...not staying away from our worship meetings, as some habitually do, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day of His return drawing near." Hebrews 10:25

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