Friday, December 11, 2015

Joshua, the Usher (Part 2)

So, Joshua was asked to help take up the offering again last Sunday.

This time, I did not freak out as much.

After last time, we talked about how he needed to watch the usher on the other side...and try not to send his offering plate down the same row twice. We talked about going every-other row...and Joshua seemed clear with that.

He is just so stinkin' cute. I mean, I know he's a man and all...a nearly 30 year old man. And I don't want to baby him by telling him how cute he is, so I don't.

But he IS.

My favorite thing about this whole situation is the look on Joshua's face. Everyone wants to feel needed. Like they have a place...or a job; that people depend on them...that they fit in...that they can contribute. Joshua's face, when he is taking the offering, shows all of this...and more. He is so proud.

My other favorite thing is watching the faces of the people in our section. Most of them are smiling at Joshua, and some of them speak to him. It just blesses my heart that they are so encouraging.

My other OTHER favorite thing was the shake-down that went on in our section last week. I saw Joshua try to pass the plate at the end of our row. I don't know if the man waved him off or wasn't paying attention or what. All I know is that I saw Joshua nudge him on the shoulder, and then use his hands to indicate what seemed to me to be "give money or else, buddy." And then Joshua just stood there...and looked at the guy.

I don't know if any of it was like it looked to me, but what I know for 100% CERTAIN is that there was a $100 bill in the plate as it came down our way.

Just sayin'.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

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