Friday, June 21, 2013

Joshua: Camp and Matt

Another one of Joshua's friends from his very first year at Camp Barnabas was in his cabin again this year. His name is Matt. I don't really remember any stories about him from previous years, but this year, when Logan and I went to pick Joshua up from Camp...Matt met us outside the cabin, introduced himself to us and started a little conversation. So sweet. Matt has Down Syndrome like Joshua.

Back story: Joshua has a few chores he does here around the house. He unloads the dishwasher, bags up the reycling, takes out the inside the trash to the outside trashcan, sets the table, brings down his laundry, etc. Actually, Joshua has such a servant's heart that if he sees something that needs to be done, he will usually do it...and to the best of his ability. We are always quick to praise him when he helps. I want him to feel like he contributes to the family...that he's a necessary member...that he matters. 

And that he is missed when he's not here.

In the weeks before he left for Camp, Joshua spent time making sure everything and everyONE was taken care of. He wrote us all individual notes. He organized things in his room. This year, he left a stack of DVDs that he thought Logan would enjoy watching...and he left a note explaining all that. He also made a point to tell Jim that he would need to do his chores...the ones that Joshua typically does. Mainly unloading the dishwasher. Joshua is obsessed with making sure everything is taken care of when he is gone. He told Jim that he (Jim) might want to use some of his "vacation days" so that he could help me around here.

We are able to email Joshua every day while he's at Camp Barnabas...he can't email us back, but he gets some sort of note from us every day. In one of my emails, I mentioned that I'd had to unload the dishwasher every day BY MYSELF and how I was really missing him.

So...back to this year at Camp: I think I mentioned in another post about "cross-carry" that happens on the last night at Camp. It's a really emotional night for everyone. Apparently, Matt was very upset and all the guys from their cabin were trying to comfort him hugs and pats and affirming words. Joshua, in attempt to use humor to lighten the mood (wonder where in the WORLD he got THAT?), says, "when I get home, I'm gonna have to show my Dad how to unload a dishwasher because apparently he doesn't know how!"


So, at Camp Barnabas, they pray...a lot. The staff prays, the counselors pray, the campers pray. This is a Christian camp and Jesus and God and faith are all freely talked about. In the building where the campers eat all their meals, there is a little stage and a's also the place where they have their nightly 'devo' times. So, before each meal, a camper is chosen to say the blessing and give thanks for the food. Joshua tells us that the instant the prayer ended and the "amen" was said, Matt would bolt up to the stage (uninvited) and begin to recite the pledge of allegiance. He would follow that by a rousing and enthusiastic rendition of "How Great Thou Art."

Three times a day.

At least.

And the campers all showed respect by standing (if they were able) during the pledge and the song until he was finished.

So I leave you with these meaningful words from Joshua:

"I love God, and my country...but sometimes I just wanna eat."

"I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth." (Psalm 34:1)

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