Sunday, June 30, 2013

Father's Day 2013

This Father's Day, as always, I am very thankful for the fathers God has given our family.

My father-in-law...he is such a mess! He's a hard working man who raised his boys to work hard and save money and plan for the future. He taught them not to be wasteful, how to fix everything with duct tape, and that you can burn just about anything in the fire pit in your yard, no matter what they say; that you go to church on Sundays, even if you throw up on the way; that you give when you can and help when you can and that you don't back-talk your elders; that LOUD is better than quiet and NOW is better than later; that you stay married even when you get on each other's nerves...and "don't-talk-to-me-while-I-am-talking, JACK!" Because of his foresight and planning, our families are where we are today. I can't ever imagine our lives without this man, and I am very thankful for his influence and presence in our lives.

I am thankful for my Dad. He is just about the sweetest man I know...godly, patriotic and humble. He seeks the Lord in all things, loves his wife and family unconditionally, gives compliments and encouragement to everyone, and he prays for us all daily. My whole life, he has been a quiet servant-leader for our family. They say that the greatest thing a man can do for his kids is to love their mother, and he certainly did that for the nearly 40 years that he and my Mom were married. He would say that he has been blessed. I say that WE have all been blessed to know him...and to have him as our Dad.

And I am thankful for my husband. He is not my Dad, but he IS a Dad...and he has given our family 4 precious children. The role of a Dad is sometimes rocky, sometimes, scary. Sometimes you face the unthinkable...or the unknown. But there are also many, many times of great joy and happiness. It has been such a blessing to watch our kids with Jim, and to watch him with them. He has worked his hardest and tried his best for them. He has prayed for them, agonized over them, fussed at them...and, most of all, he's loved them more than anything. It's been a great ride, and I wouldn't want to share it with anyone else.

During my life, I have witnessed many examples of great and godly fathers. My brother is a great father to his 8 children. We have a friend who is not only a great father to his own children, but has also been a father to many foster children along the way...even permanently adding two to their family by the blessing of adoption. And we have another friend...he and his wife don't have any children of their own...but he has consistently invested in the lives of many children in the roles of Sunday School teacher, AWANA leader, uncle, coach, mentor and friend.

A godly father is such a blessing.

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4)

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