Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mercy, Come In

We've had a great Sunday.

Our small group was having a breakfast potluck this morning, so last night, I made a breakfast casserole that had to sit in the frig overnight before baking...and then I put it in the oven early this morning, so it was hot and yummy when everyone got there.

Today was also the day our choir was presenting our Christmas musical in both morning services.

Good thing THE PUPPY woke Jim and I up at 5 a.m., because I was completely ready for church around 6:30 a.m.


Also? Good planning to schedule a potluck in our Small Group (Sunday School class) on a day when I can't be in there.

Fortunately, we did our musical different this year. Instead of taking the whole service, we sang several songs in the beginning, and then the pastor preached a message...and then we came back on stage and sang one song at the end.

That gave us a break of 25 minutes or so in each service. Most of the choir members stayed in the choir room and listened to the sermon on speaker...or visited with each other. I ran up the stairs to our class...and had me some breakfast casserole, and a sausage ball or three.

I also made a plate for Holly, and took it down to her in the choir room. Gotta take care of my girl...because she takes care of my grandson. :)

We had two great services. I hope we honored and praised the name of Jesus, because that is the whole point of anything we do. Our musical was called, "Mercy, Come In." I loved all of the music. 

We have a couple in our church who are missionaries in Thailand. They have started a jewelry business over there. They use Thai girls and women who are prostitutes...who are trying to leave that life, to start a new life...and they work in this business to make money for their families. And they use their business to open the door to share the Gospel with them.

Anyway, this couple is here on furlough, and they had their jewelry booth set up in the lobby. I may or may not have bought several items for Christmas gifts.

I got tickled, because Jim has our credit cards set up to alert his phone with every purchase. So he might come in from work and say, "what did you buy at ____ today?" or something like that. Not in a mad way. Just in a Type-A way because he oversees our finances, and I do not. 

Because he wants to, and because I do not. 

Also, he has caught fraudulent use on our cards on more than one occasion...and within MINUTES.

I got tickled, because I could just picture Jim in the service...and his watch vibrating with an alert...and him looking at it and thinking, "HOW is she spending money...AT CHURCH?"


He never said a word about it, but if he ever does, all I'm gonna say is, "it's for MISSIONS."

And for Jesus and God.

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

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