Saturday, November 12, 2016

Thankful for the Bond of Siblings

Several years ago, we lived in a different town...and Jim had the bright idea to take a family picture out in the backyard. 

He spent 45 minutes trying to get the spot just right. He's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to taking pictures (and every other thing in life!), so he was pulling up weeds, clearing a spot. He dragged a bench to this cleared off spot, and then told us all where to sit. He was trying to get everyone in the exact right position. 

He even broke/sawed off some branches that were in the way of his perfect shot. 

This was going over great with our 4 kids, because they had been sitting there, dressed and ready to go, for 45 minutes.

After about an hour, the sun had moved to a different position, AS IT DOES, and it became apparent that we needed one of the branches Jim had create some shade on our faces. Never fear, because Jim picked up that branch, and THREW IT BACK UP IN THE TREE. 

And then...right before this shot, the branch came crashing down. 

Our kids were completely at this point, and I was laughing so hard, I could hardly breathe. 

Jim was not amused (SHOCKER). He's always said he lived with 4 monkeys and a hyena. 

I am thankful for the bond our 4 kids share. They not only love each other, they genuinely LIKE each other. 

When they found out it was Rhodie's Baby Dedication Day at our church, they all made plans to attend...even tho that part of the service was only 2 minutes long. After lunch, they, along with the two "add-ons," spent the whole afternoon sitting outside, just talking with each other. 

I'm so very thankful.

"See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony." Psalm 133:1

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