Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pajama Day At Therapeutic Recreation

Today was the highly anticipated Pajama Day at Therapeutic falls on the last meeting time before Christmas. Joshua doesn't always participate. I've said it before: he's an old soul. He thinks a lot of stuff is "silly," and he won't participate in it. He's not mad about it; he just doesn't want to do it.

But he did today. I had found him a pair of flannel Christmas pajama pants at Old Navy in the BOY department (bigger kid sizes) ( one tells Joshua), and he LOVES them...which is probably the only reason why he was excited to wear them.

BUT in one of my many epic mom-fail moments, I forgot that they were supposed to bring a $5 ornament to exchange today.

And, yes, I'm not too proud to admit that I LOOKED AROUND MY HOUSE for something I could throw in a gift bag for him to bring. Shameful, I know.

It would've been so great if I could've found a nice, unused $5 ornament lying around...

Or a gift bag.

So, Joshua came downstairs all ready to go in his pajama pants and a t-shirt. I told him that I forgot he needed to bring an ornament to exchange, and so we were gonna have to run by WM on the way. I told him he could wear his pajama pants in the store if he wanted to, or he could change into a pair of jeans. I knew that he would not be caught DEAD in a pair of pajama pants at way, no how.

Even tho, at our Wal-Marks, he would've fit right in.

Just sayin'.

Anyway, he changed into jeans and put his pajama pants in his backpack, and off we went. Our WM is right on the way to the Interstate, so it wasn't a big deal. I needed to get gas, anyway. It didn't take Joshua any time to choose an ornament. I grabbed some gift-bags and tissue paper, and we headed to the nearest check-out line.

There was a lady in line in front of me with her son. She had a gift bag and a ornament or something...and a plastic container of cookies.


And just like in the scene from The Santa Clause...where Tim Allen's character burns the turkey and they end up at Shoney's and he looks over at a guy at the next table who is sporting a bandage on one hand and asks, "burn the turkey?" and they give each other the head nod...I look at the mom and child in front of me. I see what she's buying...she sees what I'm buying. It's before 8 a.m. on a school day at Christmastime. We make eye-contact and I ask, "forget the ornament exchange and the Christmas party?" And we give each other the head nod.


Joshua had a great time today. They did their ornament exchange and he told me that he ended up with a red pine-cone. Hmmmm...I haven't seen it yet, but I'm wondering if it's one of the craft items the FRIENDS made earlier in the week. And that's fine if it is. It can hang on the tree next to the BLUE pine-cone that Joshua made, and we'll have a set!

We had a LONNNNNNG commute this morning, because a drop of rain fell and everyone lost their minds, and a 35 minute drive took well over an hour. What in the world? Fortunately, Joshua is never at a loss for words, and he entertained me by telling me all about the latest chapter in the book he is writing.

After the ornament exchange, they made cookies...and then they had lunch. After lunch, they watched a movie. I asked Joshua what movie it was and he said, "Polar-BEAR Express." They planned to have their cookies after the movie, but I picked up Joshua and we came on home. We have cookies here, and he was fine with leaving a few minutes early.

He recounted his day, minute-by-minute, on our drive home. He said there wasn't any drama today because Jenni wasn't there. I told him that when I got there, he was sitting between two girls...and one of them had her hand on his shoulder. And I said that if I was Jenni...and I saw that...I might be creating me a little drama my OWN self. He said, "oh, we are all just friends."

And then he deflected my questions by bringing up the "love triangle" between Michael and Julia and Jennifer. He said that Mrs. Alanna had some new songs for the Wii Dance, and the first one was a New Direction (the FRIENDS call them New DICTATION), and that he wasn't a fan of that group but the song was "very danceable."

He said that Michael and Jennifer were dancing to the New DICTATION song and that Michael was all over Jennifer "like a monkey on a banana."

Drops mic and walks away.

"...a wise person wins friends." Proverbs 11:30

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