Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The "Family" Cradle

When I was having our kids, we had a "family" cradle. All 4 of our children used it.

They also used this family bassinet thing, that I didn't really want to use...but my sweet mother-in-law forced it on me fixed it up so pretty, that I had to.

AND, she tried to give it to Holly and Aaron-the-son-in-law, and Holly said...AND I QUOTE..."it would take a TEAM of Joanna Gaines' to make that thing useable."

But my mother-in-law said, "it's about the sentiment."

Ummm...yeah. But it's also about there's that.

Anyway, there was an issue with the "family" cradle...but, like I told Holly...they are only in it for a short, short time...AND she has a pack'n'play that she can move around from room-to-room, if she needs to. AND, if I am anywhere around, the child will never leave my she won't need a cradle, bassinet, play-pen, bouncy seat, etc.



But, last month, at our friend dinner...

Wait. Let me back up about 3 years.

My father-in-law had a bunch of old walnut wood in his shop. He had gotten it from a sawmill over 50 years ago...and had just been saving it for "something."

In the course of conversation one day, Jim mentioned that our friend, Billy, was wanting to make a cradle for his first grandchild. Billy and Sherri have been our friends for nearly 35 years. Their daughter, Blair, and our daughter, Holly, are friends. They went to the same college, were roommates, and in each others' weddings.

So, Jim's dad said to Jim, "well, I have that walnut up in my shop, and it would make a pretty cradle," and he offered it to Billy.

Billy said, "I'll tell you what...we can SHARE it. Blair can use it for her baby...and when Holly needs it, she can use it for hers."

Jim's Dad said, "alright...sounds good."

Fast forward a couple of years, and Blair was expecting her 2nd child just two months before Holly was due with Rhodes.

Using the cradle never even crossed my mind...because, of course, Blair would want it for her new baby...and she would still be using it, when Rhodie was born.

Okay...back up to the beginning of June. I wrote here about when we met for dinner to celebrate our friend, Judy's, last day of chemo.

After dinner, Billy and Sherri said they had a gift for our baby...and for us to come out to their car and get it.

So, we all walked out there, and gathered around their vehicle. Billy put his hand on the lift of the hatch and turned around to speak. He said, "3 years ago, Jim's Dad gave me some old walnut to use for a cradle...and I made a cradle for Blair. Well, I had JUST ENOUGH LEFT OVER to make ONE MORE CRADLE..." and he lifted the back of the trunk.

And I started bawling.

And Jim's eyes got all watery.

And Billy lifted a cradle out of the back of their car, and sat it down in front of us.

Our new "family" cradle.

When Jim asked him, he said it took him over 30 hours to complete. That's 30 hours after working a full-time job. 30 hours after working on his 100 year old house. 30 hours after working in the garden, and the yard. 30 hours away from his own family, and his own grandchildren, and his own hobbies. 30 hours that could've been spent a lot of other ways.

Selfless. Giving. Friendship.

There are people in this world who make it their job to make other people's lives harder. And there are people in this world who make it their job to make other people's lives...better. Happier.

Hope I can be one who makes someone else's life better. :)

"So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up." Galatians 6:9

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