Saturday, June 11, 2016

Friend Dinner: Judy's Last Chemo!

Last night, we met with one of our "friend groups" for dinner, to celebrate our friend, Judy's, last day of chemo.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of last year. She has had 8 rounds of chemo, and today was her last one! Hopefully, forever!

Unfortunately, she will also need radiation, but we hope and PRAY it will be all she needs to completely clear all of the cancer out of her system.

She has had the BEST attitude through all of it. Oh, she shared that she's had some "moments," but those were kept private. Publicly, she has been a light and an encouragement for many.

After our "friend dinner" last month, I started thinking of what we could do to celebrate this last day of chemo. I was thinking of how we could decorate Ken and Judy's house or that when they came home from her last treatment, she would be surprised and encouraged.

Well, not everyone can just take off work to go hang balloons or whatever, so it was decided that we would plan our regular monthly dinner...and then Ken would make up some excuse as to why they had to leave extra early...and then we would show up at their house and quickly decorate after they had left, and then all meet at the restaurant.

Everyone was on board with this idea, but two of the other wives totally took the ball and ran with it. Group text messages...which I normally think are of the devil, unless I am the one sending them...were blowing up my phone. There were plans for plants in decorative planters on either side of her door. There was talk of making and painting something for her door. There was talk of weighted bags lining the walk to their front door, with tissue paper, and brightly colored balloons, coming out of them.

Then there was the one text that asked about painting the pots to match the door hanger...and then worries that only one of the plants by the front door was blooming.

If they only knew that, in my mind, when I first had this idea, I was thinking of a sign for their front door made out of, YA KNOW, poster board. And maybe a banner made out of, YA KNOW, card stock from Hobby Lobby. And maybe some of those tissue pom things hanging down from their porch.

Classy, I know...but it's all I could think of.

And those were the ideas I had when I was thinking of the fact that Ken is a pastor, and how we didn't need for whatever we did to be tacky.

Clearly, decorating is not anywhere in my wheelhouse.

I have good ideas...but then NO IDEA of how to bring it all together.

So thankful for friends who do...and for the way we can all use our different gifts to accomplish some really cool things.

"A friend loves at all times..." Proverbs 17:17

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