Monday, February 6, 2017

Finally Friday, Lazy Saturday, & SUPER (bowl) Sunday

Yesterday was Friday, and I was never so happy to see a Friday. I've written about our new puppy, and the way she likes to get up at 4:15 in the morning, right? And I've written that she is conditioned to get up at 4:15 in the morning, because that's when my husband gets up and goes on his run, right?

It's super fun to get up that early.

Except the exact opposite of that.

I've been so tired all week. I think I am trying to fight off a cold or something. UGH.

But Friday? Friday was awesome. I stayed at home all day, and it was glorious. Holly came over with the baby, and we got to play with him all day. Jim was so happy to see Rhodie...and Rhodie was happy to see HIM.

But, by Friday night, we had to get out, because Joshua's group was having a "thing."

Once a month, his Therapeutic Recreation group has a night called "Weekend Warriors." They will go to dinner and a movie, or have a dance at the Center or something like that. Last night, they had a night called, "Canvas and Cupcakes."

On Thursday, during their regular meeting time, they made the cupcakes. When they got to the Center on Friday night, one of the leaders instructed them in painting a canvas. Kind of like those "Painting with a Twist" type of things, where everyone paints the same thing.

And then they had cupcakes...which is really the main reason 99.9% of the FRIENDS showed up.

Just sayin'.

After we dropped Joshua off, and got him settled...Jim and I went on a DATE.

An actual DATE.

Wonders never cease!

Saturday morning, the dog was up again at 4:15-ish...barking her head off in her cage. Jim is the early riser in the family, so he got up with her, and I was able to go back to sleep. Thankfully. I got up around 7, and went into the kitchen. Jim said, "what are you doing up?" He had planned on running in a 10k this morning, and I thought he said he had to be there at 7:30. He said, "I don't have to be there until 8:30."


Actually, I did not go back to sleep. I made pancakes, bacon, and eggs for Joshua (and I) to have for breakfast, and then I settled myself in my chair for a long winter's nap. Jim came home. He said he made a personal best time in his race. He ate his "2nd breakfast," and then we pretty much vegged out all day long.

Sunday morning, we got up and went to our small group and church. The words of the sermon are ringing in my ears, 10 hours later.

Here are some of my notes on "Redefining Fellowship" from Hebrews 10:10-25.

*It's not about food, but relationships.
*It does not take place in a specific building, but by living life together.
*It is not an event, but rather a commitment.

Hebrews 10:24, "And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works..."

The word for "concerned" means: to get under the skin. We can't just skim the surface of our relationships, and think that is "fellowship." It is not.

Fellowship is pushing each other towards Jesus. It can be uncomfortable at times, but ask yourself if you'd rather be comfortable...or more like Jesus.

This sermon hit me right between the eyes. We have to get involved in each other's lives, y'all. Get all in...even if it's messy...even if we don't have time. News flash: we will never have enough time.

Life is hard, but we can make it easier if we are intentional with our relationships.

We need each other.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works..." Hebrews 10:24

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