Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hair Appointment, Old Friends and "Bravery"

So I had a hair appointment this afternoon in Little Rock. I had thought of going in early and shopping for a bit, but I changed my mind, and decided to just go straight to my appointment and come straight home. Jim is having his colonoscopy in the morning, and he was starting the "prep" today. If you've ever had one (I haven't yet), or know someone who know that this is not on anyone's list of really fun days.

Although by this time tomorrow, it will have moved wayyy up in the ranking.


Anyway, I was afraid that he might need me to be here...because when you are practically having to live in the bathroom for 12 hours or so, you really want a witness.

Can I get an AMEN?

Except not.

And, side note: when I got home, he wasn't even here...he was at work. I think I'm really overestimating my usefulness around here!

I took Joshua with me to my appointment, and he was so sweet. He told me I looked "scary" when I had color and stuff all over my head...and he told me I was beautiful when it was all said and done.

I know. Don't you wish he was yours?

While we were in the salon, we ran into a girl I hadn't seen in YEARS. We went to church together, back in the early days when we just had Joshua and Holly. I remember her being so sweet. She has 5 children now...all around the same ages as ours. I introduced her to Joshua, and she was so thrilled to see him. He, of course, did not have a clue who she was...but he was very nice and talked with her. She and I talked about our lives, and she brought up some of her memories from when we lived in Little Rock.

On the way home, I told Joshua that she knew him when he was born and when he had his heart surgery; That she came to see me in the hospital and brought food and gifts, and that she and her husband PRAYED for him and for us many, many days. He said, "oh, I didn't know."

I told him that he needed to know that while we might not remember the things we do or say...things from years and years ago, other people will. And sometimes those words and those deeds are a lifeline to people in crisis.

And he pulled a Grandma Ellen and said, "uh-huh-and-anyway," and started talking about the "story" he is writing.

It's called "Bravery," which, not gonna lie...that thought comes in real handy on a 40 minutes drive listening to him talk about things.that.don't.make.sense.

Don't is seriously the strangest "story" I've ever heard.

He has combined all of his favorite stories and movies into "Bravery." And, since we had the conversation long, long ago about how you can't copy other people's songs (and ideas and movies and books), he will use something eerily similar: "His name's not's DON." And, "he doesn't turn into a WOLF...he turns into a coyote."


And he told me that he re-wrote the prologue of his story to make it "more scarier."

So there's that.

And, just in case you think I'm being mean or exaggerating about this story, you have to know that the two Joshua quotes that will bring a laugh to any member of our family are these:

1) "once you're born the age you are."

2) "the age you are is you stay."

And he is very emphatic when he says those last words, like you are crazy for not understanding him: "the age you are is you STAY."

Imagine a book or movie full of quotes like this!


"I do not cease to give thanks for you when I remember you in my prayers." Ephesians 1:16

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