Saturday, August 9, 2014

"Bad Grammah" and Choir Specials

So, this past Sunday, our choir sang a song called "Mercy Seat." Or something like that. It was mainly a solo part, with the choir singing in the background.

From where we stand in the choir, Holly and I can see Joshua clearly. He likes to sit on the end of a row, and he has found an area in our new building where he likes to sit. He is usually the first one of the family into the sanctuary, so he chooses the seat.

Holly and I usually try to catch his eye at some point, like during the "greet your neighbor" part of the service. We will wave at him or flash the "I love you" sign. And he will just GRIN!

Our worship pastor directed us during our Wednesday practice to not be looking all over the room while the soloist is singing. He said we were supposed to stare at the back of her head when she was singing, and we were supposed to watch him when it was OUR turn to sing. Still, when I had a chance to look, I took a quick glance out at Joshua.

Ever see "Grumpy Cat?"

You know, that cat that you've seen on TV and in magazines? The cat that now has her own line of merchandise?

That's basically what Joshua looked like.

Mouth pressed together, angry eyes, arms crossed. I'm 100% sure he was muttering.

Wanna know what set him off? The lyrics of the song.

It goes, "I'm runnin'...I'm runnin'...I'm runnin' to the Mercy Seat..."

This phrase is repeated a lot in this song.

Joshua thinks it should be "I'm runnING, I'm runnING, I'm runnING to the Mercy Seat."

I don't know who made him the grammar police, but it makes him NUTS for people to say things like, "runnin', fishin', thinkin', goin', doin'." He says that it's "bad grammah" to leave off the "g."

Aaron-the-son-in-law knows it upsets Joshua to no end, and so he purposefully brought it up at dinner. And, Joshua was like a dog with a bone. He was NOT letting it go for anything. I tried to explain to Joshua that it's a soulful type of song. He muttered, "it's a soulful song with bad grammah." We talked about what a good job the soloist did and, again, he muttered..."if you think it's good to use bad grammah."

The more we talked about it, the madder he got...and the madder he got, the more tickled Aaron got.

And he kept egging it on.

Thanks, Aaron.

I'm thinkin' about drivin' over to your house and wringin' your neck...

"A word spoken at the right time is like gold apples on a silver tray." Psalm 25:11


  1. I am an editor by profession and an admitted grammar snob. This is my chosen "guilty pleasure" of bad grammar. (I've probably even done it in previous comment on your blog.) In honor of Joshua I will endeavor to mend my wicked ways, but no promises! Your blog is a delight! Thank you for making me feel like a friend and allowing me a glimpse into your family!
