Monday, October 9, 2017

Down Syndrome Awareness: SIBLINGS

Our Daily Fred: One of the fears people have about Down Syndrome, is how it will affect their family.

Specifically, how the siblings will react.

Joshua was our first child, so our younger kids don't know a time when he wasn't there. But, I can understand the fears of others...and to address those fears, I offer this picture of Holly and Joshua as Exhibit A.

These two knuckleheads are

Joshua is close with his brothers as well, but with this one? OH MY WORD...he adores her.

Oh, I'm sure there were issues between them growing up, because what girl wants any of her brothers hanging around...being cute and mischievous and unpredictable?

Joshua has mellowed considerably, but he was wound up pretty tight back then. He was passionate about the Searcy Lions, and enthusiastically supported his sister and brothers in their various activities. And those who didn't agree with him, were likely to get an earful.

We bought Holly her first car, with the understanding that she would drive him to and from school each day...when schedules would allow. They went to the same school. And while I'm sure there were times when that cramped her style, she didn't really complain about it too much.

The biggest thing about Holly, Logan, and Clark, is that they didn't (and don't) treat Joshua any different than they treat each other...which has been difficult at times for some friends and family members who say, "oh, he just doesn't know what he's doing."

Oh, yes, ma'am...he most certainly DOES know what he's doing!

I've found that, in any given situation, most people will take their cues from you. So if they see you act or react in a certain way, they most likely will act accordingly.

We tried not to make a big issue about Down Syndrome, when the kids were little. We were very matter-of-fact about it, so they were, too. We answered their questions, when they had them, but basically acted like it was no big deal.

Because, as far as our family was wasn't.

We wanted them to grow into acceptance on their own, and they did.

They're all adults now. The relationships they have with Joshua make my heart so full. When Holly married Aaron-the-son-in-law, Joshua called him his "add-on brother." And when Logan married Morgan, Joshua said, "I've always wanted a sister." And, "she's the sister I never had."

Which, as you can imagine, went over great with Holly, his real live sister. 

I love my family. They are fun and funny, unique, creative, and strong. I love the way God wove us all together. 

I'm thankful we had more children after Joshua. Long after I'm gone, they will still be taking care of each other.

"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14

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