Our Daily Fred: When you were younger, what did you want?
What were your dreams? A car when you turned 16? College? A home of your own? A good job?
Did you want to be married? Did you want to have children?
Did you assume that you could go where you want, live where you want, and make all of your own decisions?
These two kids...adults...they really aren't that different from you and me.
They feel happy, sad, hurt, lonely, frustrated...just like we do.
They want love. They want friends.
They want many of the same things we do. They may not be able to have everything they've always wanted, but how many of us have everything WE'VE always wanted?
Not many, I'll bet.
And, why don't we?
Because, over time, we came to realize that, sometimes...our dreams have to change.
And, if we are Christians, and surrender ourselves to Christ completely and without reservation, we find that He gives us NEW dreams. He leads us to new and different paths...and it's better than anything we could have dreamed up on our own.
I don't know what the future holds for these two, but we just take it day by day. And we will explore every option.
"Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
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