Friday, October 13, 2017

Down Syndrome: In Joshua's Words

Our Daily Fred: 

I was honored to speak about Joshua, and Down Syndrome, to a class at Pulaski Technical College today. 

I could talk about Joshua all day, but this month is the perfect time...because it's Down Syndrome Awareness month! 

Before I dropped Joshua off at Therapeutic Recreation this morning, I asked him what he wanted me to say about Down Syndrome, and the people who have it. I wish you could've heard all of our conversation. 


Because it was profound and heartbreaking and insightful and funny. 

Unfortunately, tho, my phone popped up with "STORAGE FULL," and I seriously wanted to throw it in the lake. Ugh. WHYYYY? 

But here are 3 things he wants everyone to know. i

First, he said you need a lot of patience...the person who has Down Syndrome, as well as the teachers, professionals, parents, friends, neighbors who interact with them. Because, he said, it takes longer for them to learn to read and write and "look things up." 

Secondly, he said it was important to have a network of friends: people who have kids with Down Syndrome, and people who don't. He gave a shout-out to the friends we've had in all the places we've lived. The ones who have supported and encouraged our family through the years. Tonight, we sat around a dinner table, with some of the people who have loved and supported our family from the beginning, back when Joshua was born...and my heart was full, as I thought of the twists and turns we've been through as a group...and how, even now, we still gain great strength from these relationships, as we continue to offer prayer and support for the ones who need them the most. 

And, third, he wanted me to share with others how important it is to have FAITH. He wants you to know that he gave his heart to Jesus when he was younger, and that HE gives him strength in the hard times. Because life is hard, but God is good. 

Before my phone shut down, I asked him what the hardest thing was about Down Syndrome, and he said being bullied and teased when he was younger. 

And then I asked him what was the BEST thing about having Down Syndrome. I wasn't prepared for his answer. 

Yep...gotta love that extra chromosome. 

"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139: 14

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