Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Speak Life

So, our daughter, came over the other day, and she said, "Mom, I HAVE to tell you something."

Now, normally, when someone says they "HAVE" to say something...or they "NEED" to say something...it's usually on Facebook. They start their post with something like, "I just need to say this..." and then they proceed to say something that they really didn't need to say.


Maybe that's just my experience.

But Holly said, "I HAVE to tell you something," and then she proceeded to tell me about this internet site she found that is completely dedicated to blog-bashing.

And it hit close to home.

What in the world?

She started to read some of the comments, but I stopped her. I mean, seriously? I have no room for that negativity in my life.


I don't understand why people have to be so nasty. In our home, if there's a movie we don't like...we don't watch it. If there's a book I read that I don't like or agree with...I won't recommend it. If there are blogs I don't like for whatever reason...or if they post things I don't agree with...do you know what I do?

I don't read it.


Plain and simple.

I am a pretty easy-going person. I talk nicely about most people. I like most people.  I have connected with so many wonderful people on YE OLE INTERNETS, and most of them have been a blessing to my life.

But I am over this other type of thing.


I am over people tearing each other down. And I am over women not supporting each other.

So, first of all, blog-basher people behind your computer screens, you don't know me.

Second of all, this is my blog where I share about my family, my experiences raising a child with Down Syndrome, and my faith.

If you don't like it or me or what I have to say...then move along.

There's nothing for you to see.

"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." Colossians 4:6


  1. As a mom of an 18 year old special needs little girl, let me tell you what a blessing your blog is to me!! I've shared it many times with other moms in my special mom's club. We are convinced if you lived in Northeast Alabama, we'd all be friends!! Share on, sweet sister. I need the encouragement!!

    1. Your comment blessed my heart so much! And, YES! If I lived closer, we could be real-life friends, instead of "pretend internet friends." Thank you for the encouragement!
