Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Joshua: Burgers, Bowling...and My Journaling Bible

So yesterday, I did not go anywhere all day. I was determined to stay home all day...and even tho I needed to go to the grocery, I didn't go, which made figuring out what to make for dinner super-fun, because I had no clue what to make. I set out ground beef, which did not sound good to me AT ALL. And then I debated on what to do with it. Jim and Joshua ate left-over Mexican food for lunch. Which, Joshua calls left-overs, "re-runs."

So there's that.

And so Mexican food was OUT...and nothing really sounded good. I found 1/2 a box of angel hair pasta in my pantry, and a can of tomato sauce...so I decided to make spaghetti. I used Ree's recipe for spaghetti sauce, and THANK THE LORD I had everything I needed.


I know. This is riveting.

This morning, we were up with the sun because Joshua had Therapeutic Recreation, and he was SO excited. The FRIENDS were going out to lunch, and then to bowling. Honestly, it wouldn't have mattered what they did after lunch, because it's a well-known and well-documented fact that the FRIENDS love them some eating out.

But, before they left, they "hanged around the Center" (Joshua's words) and caught up from the weekend. Joshua said that "some of the guys" decided to have an arm-wrestling competition. He said that he "dominated" most of the guys, but one FRIEND, who has CP and walks using a cane...beat him. We talked about how strong he had to be to support his body and walk with the cane.

Joshua also said, "I was coming out of the bathroom, and guess who I saw?" I said, "who?" He said, "B." She is a girl who had not been allowed to come because of behavioral issues. He said, "I saw her...and I shuddered."



What in the WORLD?

Anyway, they went to a hamburger place for lunch. Joshua said he got 1/2 of a cup of Root Beer with his meal (he always fills his cups up half-way or less)...and then, when the Root Beer was gone, he drank water. He said that one of the boys didn't have enough money for his lunch, so Joshua gave him some of his money.

And then they all went bowling, and Joshua said he was on "FY-YAH," making spares "right and left."

While Joshua was at TR, I ran some errands, and then went to lunch with my friend, Amy. We talked for 2 hours. It.was.awesome!

I also went to Lifeway and bought a journaling Bible. I've been thinking about it and looking at them for quite a while. I'm not really sure how I feel about the whole drawing-in-your-Bible thing. I don't have anything against writing in Bibles. In my Bible, I have verses underlined, and sermon notes in the margins. I also write people's names and/or dates beside verses...and I love looking back and remembering a specific time when a certain verse was especially meaningful.

But when I see the pictures of the illustrated Bibles on IG...OH MY WORD. I about break into hives. Because many of them are so beautiful and intricate, and I'm not artistic at all. Or creative. But the biggest thing that makes me nervous is that little voice in my head that says, "don't scribble in your Bible."

No, it's not the voice of the Lord.

It's my Grandma's.

I can just imagine her displeasure at the thought of taking crayons and markers and DRAWING IN GOD'S HOLY WORD. I'm pretty sure that, if Grandma Ellen was still alive, my name would be put on the prayer list at the First Baptist Church of Charlottesville, Virginia...faster than you could say, "illustrated faith."

Just sayin'.

But I bought a journaling Bible anyway, and I kinda felt like a rebel. And I've gotta say...don't hate that feeling!

I'm very interested in maybe using this Bible in my quiet time. I don't know...we'll see. I'm gonna think on it/pray about it some more. I don't think there's anything wrong with this whole illustrated Bible thing...I'm just not sure it's for ME. And that's okay.

But it MIGHT be for me. :)

So, we'll see.

"I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You." Psalm 119:11

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